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To rich for my blood

To expensive for that person.

Friend: I charge 800$ for medium sized box braids.
Me: oh no ma’am, that’s to rich for my blood.

by Sugah03 June 23, 2021

My blood hurts!

(remark) What someone might exclaim when their own blood cells are causing internal discomfort within the body, e.g.: when an individual's last meal consisted of possum cooked in buttle and Worcestershire sauce.

"Dude, my blood hurts!"
"Bruv, you shouldn't have eaten that last possum."
"Take me to hospital plz"

by Alma Buttle November 10, 2018

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Ain't no hoe in my blood

Opposite of "punk." Opposite of "coward." Tough as HELL, someone who can get kicked in the ass and still end up winning, by default;
Also a Battle Cry.

"They just pulled up ten deep! You ready to get jumped?"
"Let's go punk! Ain't no hoe in my blood!!"

"I came alone homie. Ain't no hoe in my blood!"

by Major Bingus October 9, 2016

Ain't no bitch in my blood

A statement declared to affirm one is not afraid of anyone or anything; to be used in the midst of a situation or function (drinking game, dare, fight, etc.)

Bruh, if we swingin' we swingin. Ain't no bitch in my blood!

Man, pass me the bottle. I'll kill this whole thing, shit. Ain't no bitch in my blood.

by stoicaldefinitions January 22, 2017

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shit on my dick or blood on my knife

what one inmate tells another when he wants some action. the inmate either chooses sodomy or murder

Yo punk ass beesh, shit on my dick or blood on my knife!

by aaron January 24, 2005

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In my blood by imagine dragons

Ah, in my blood by imagine dragons. As you may know, Lisa cimorelli claims that "she has never heard this song before." Many people choose to believe that's not true. This is an iconic line and will haunt Lisa Cimorelli till she grows old. Hopefully one day she'll do a cover but I dont think it's in her blood to do it.

"In my blood by imagine dragons? I'VE NEVER HEARD THAT SONG BEFORE!!"

by laurencimswife December 7, 2020