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Myles (v). To wordily talk your way out of a predicament you could not otherwise reason your way out of

"Yes, I myles'd my way out of work tonight!"

by McFrogger September 26, 2006

354👍 263👎


A kid who finds sexual things funny.

Friend: Pee Pee in butt

by GETHIM!!!!!!!!!! May 13, 2019

28👍 16👎


Not the brightest of people, usually very loud and friendly, but defensive, if you get into an argument with him, you will neeever win, even you are right and he is wrong. He can be funny when hes trying or when hes not. He scores lots of chicks because of his looks and he can be athletic and very tall he loves inside jokes and makes friends easily.

Wow myles is funny, i wish i could be as funny as him

by k-0 May 8, 2018

22👍 13👎


meme god, hates josiah

Myles sucks dog testicles.

by gabe roof September 12, 2018

19👍 16👎


Myles, also an alternative name for an absolute unit. It’s not a person you be messed with as they will flatten you with one punch.

Hey, see that guy over there? He’s called Myles, don’t mess with him dude he’s the scariest guy I know

by Brucey May 28, 2019

3👍 2👎


A horn dog who loves a girl who’s name starts with M. Very smexy. Very y’all. Not very dark, but you know, we take what we can get. A pasty nigga ain’t that bad:)

Don’t be stupid, use condoms like Myles

by Assntitties123456 November 28, 2018

13👍 17👎


Myles is the kind of friend you want with you at a party. And also on a date. And also on a sports team. And just in general. He’s the kind of person everyone likes, even if they try not to. His sense of humor is almost as delicious as his style, even if it’s mostly sarcasm. He’s tall, obviously, and has great hair. Men better look out, bc he’ll steal your girl without trying. But under his cool and collected exterior, he’s also a big goofball with a sensitive side he tries to hide. If you have the privilege of having a friend like Myles, you’ll have someone who’s fun and caring and notices little things about you, and a friend who stays by your side no matter what

Lee: Who's that twerking over there on the dance floor?

Rebecca: Oh that's Myles

by Blueman44 December 6, 2021