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to clog one's toilet

Don't mystie my crapper.

by Mystaphalon September 10, 2003

6πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Fat, ugly, worthless, a piece of shit

"mysty is just mysty"

by Mystyy March 6, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mysty Shit

(n) an explosion of liquid fecal matter such that a brown cloud obstructs your view into the thrown of shit. So dark that nothing can be seen.

(n) A hazy uncertain future

John just took a mysty shit in the lobby toilet, it smells so bad, and I can hardly breathe.

Demarcus keeps getting arrested for drinking and driving. He is in some mysty shit.

by Crotcheola March 7, 2011

14πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

mysti dawn

An amazing soul with a heart of gold. Loving and kind, yet strong and assertive. Can be a complete bitch if you get on her bad side. Unique and one of a kind.

I've never seen anything quite like it. It's so Mysti Dawn!!

by Simone Kentucky December 20, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Koo mysty

A term used offering for someone to join in on a sexual act. The sexual act usually entails a guy finishing inside of the girls left ear, and spitting into the girls asshole. The person invited gets to wet Willy the girl in the right ear with their own secretion.

β€œHey Chris. Koo mysty at my house tonight at 7”

by McNugget hoplite January 15, 2021


Mysty the Artist, We all know him.

Or a female name. But I prefer The artist

Have you heard Mysty in that new song?

by Ytsym October 21, 2021


10 yr old kid

Person 1:gay
Person 2:what
Person 1:you use American/Americanself pronouns shut up
Person 2: what the fuck I don’t

Person 1: your such a mysti

Person 2:wh-

by Not milkayz December 3, 2021