Source Code

Neckbone Grease

The grease on your neckbone.

Deshauwn: "Yo, you see that one chick in front of us."
Phil: "Yeah dawg, she got hella neckbone grease."

by Krackeno July 10, 2018

17👍 1👎

neckbone sandwich

A blowjob-preferably from a 1 night stand, strange or a hooker-as it usually rough and nasty.

Man, I picked a ho up by the liquor store and got a neckbone sandwich in the woods for 12 bucks.

by Madman 69 May 1, 2010

3👍 7👎

Willie T-Neckbone

General reference to average American from a middle to lower socio-economic class. Rube, redneck, NASCAR watchin' beer drinkin' white male.

"Every Willie T-Neckbone will want these Dale Earnhardt mudflaps for their 4x4, if we throw in a Tim McGraw CD."

by T. C. Johnson August 13, 2006

4👍 5👎

hotter than a pot of neckbones

Extreemly pissed off!

When I caught that dude bangin my girl on my couch, i was HOTTER THAN A POT OF NECKBONES!

by mister delicious January 27, 2007

4👍 12👎