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How women treat their husband after the honeymoon is over.

If your wife says: "Not tonight dear, I have a headache" you have been neglected.

by raw hands needing the real deal November 12, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


this is what stace, the man , experiences cuz im payin her back for what she never gave me

omg this is so neglectment, shut up man or imma bitch slap your ears

by kj August 26, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


When Nick doesnt give soupie the needed attention, affection, or social interaction.

Some random girl :"Im feeling neglected by my boyfriend.."
Soupie: "You dont know neglect until youve witnessed Nick streaming, ignoring me."

by DispatchSoupie December 28, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

pothole neglect

what the state highway department does that eventually cause a fatality

Because of the assholes in the state highway department and their pothole neglect, my daughter lost her husband of 2 weeks. The lawsuit is pending. This is a true story.

by jeff rose July 31, 2008

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Window of Neglect

(idiom) -the digital preview or buffer of any form of realtime direct communication to an individual that gives them advanced knowledge of digital message without tripping any evidence (i.e. read receipts)that would prove the message was read by the receiving party, with this advanced info one can choose to either acknowledge and answer the text or blatantly ignore and deny that you were even aware of it existence thus free of blame.

-Technologically created space between a person and a digital message allowing the individual to side step its acknowledgement avoiding accountability by way of ignorance.

"The window of neglect will surely lead you to the hall of empty promises."

by DEADMEAT September 2, 2020

Text Neglecter

One who neglects texts from another.

(Conversation over text)
Sam: Hey
Sam: Heyy :)
Sam: HEY! :D
*no reply
Sam: Wow, you're a real Text Neglecter

by 459437598437598435 May 1, 2011

benign neglect

A method of parenting school-age children in which you leave them the fuck alone unless they need you for something. The exact opposite of a helicopter parent.

I let my children work out their own disagreements unless they start hitting each other. I'm a big advocate of benign neglect.

by ViviWannabe April 27, 2016

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