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new year's day

Drunk & hungover, at daylite you realise you stayed up too late Your toungue tastes like rats walked on it. Even if you have a job, you've got 1 day to get some rest before your next holiday off - Memorial Day. Your friends text/ring your cell but it clangs like last nights pots & pans. You absolutely do not want runny eggs for breakfast with this stranger you slept with, whose name you can't remember, who snuggles up to your sticky body. You wince at all the promises of love forever you made just to have sex. Here's your resolution - you resolve to slip out of bed as quietly as you can so you can get out the door and puke. You'll stop drinking/drugging one day, but that day's not today, is it?

New Year's Day, hangover, alcoholism, resolution, guilt

by svetlanunobtainable January 1, 2012

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New Years Day 2021

The first day of 2021. And the first day of us being out of the shit year we know as 2020.

At 12am, on New Years Day 2021, God will put a message into the sky that says "Tutorial Completed. Proceed To Game?"

Have a Happy New Year!

by Master Of Nations January 1, 2021

New Years Day Syndrome

A condition where somebody has hopes for the future just like every year knowing he or she will get disappointed yet again. Symptoms usually include hopes for the future, denial of events from the pass year and the increase of alcohol in take

Louis: She's gonna ask me out this year man
Kurt: You said this back in 2018 where is she know

Kurt: You have New Years Day Syndrome bro she dont like you.

by C302929 January 18, 2022

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new year's boxing day

the day after new year's day, its the day where everyone starts getting ready for school, and work after the holidays.

my mom said that on new year's boxing day i have to study...

by Downtown Wtf January 2, 2008

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New Years Day

The day marking the beginning of a new year in which many people get drunk and party. They also believe this day to be a new beginning to become a new person. This day also marks the beginning of the yearly struggle where you write the wrong year when you date your papers. New Years Day is January 1 oof each year.

It's New Years Day! I plan to lose weight this year, that is, after I party with my friends tonight. Or maybe I'll start the next day...I'll start next week. A good New Years Revolution, right?

by LlovelyLlama June 7, 2015

New Year's Day

New Year's Day is a kick-ass metal band that began in 2005 and their fame has only evolved since. The bands recent album titled unbreakable was released on April 26th, 2019. In November of 2018, their first at the time debut single was released, this particular track is what paved their way to mainstream recognition as it was their first radio song. The band consists of vocalist; Ash Costello, Lead guitarist; Nikki Misery, Also on guitars; Frankie Sil, Bassist; Austin Ingerman and Drummer; Dio Britto.

Man, are you familiar with the metal band, 'New Years Day'?

New Year's Day's album "Unbreakable" is seriously their best work yet.

by Ultraviolenthoe June 16, 2019

New Year's Day

All is quiet on New Year's Day
A world in white gets underway
I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes on New Year's Day
On New Year's Day
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
Under a blood red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspapers says, says
Say it's true, it's true
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one

I, I will begin again
I, I will begin again
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again

New Year's Day

by Death Menace September 15, 2023