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Bully Nith Day

April 16th is the day where anyone can bully Nith for any reason, good or bad.

"Let's be nice to Nith today, it's his birthday."
"You kidding me?! It's "Bully Nith Day", he should've picked another birthday!"

by CKCGang April 16, 2020


a guy’s name. use the word “BRUHH” a lot. is into music and attractive as hell :v

Katy: “hey, look at this cute little cat.”

by iamyoursssss:3 November 21, 2021


a guy who says “BRUHH” a lot. is into music and looking attractive asf :v

Katy: “hey, look at this cute little cat.”

by iamyoursssss:3 November 21, 2021