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Nom Nom Nom

The most catching word to say when eating or wanting to eat something. It can also be used as an ice breaker with a new group of people. It can also be used to agree with an idea.

Example 1:

Person 1: Dude I am soo hungry.
Person 2: Lets get some taco bell.
Person 1: Nom Nom Nom!

Example 2:

People are awkwardly sittin around in a room with nothing to say...
Person 1: nom nom nom
Person 2: wtf
Person 3 and 4: hahahaha

Person 1: Haha idk i had nothing else to say

by Crystal Meth 11 October 17, 2009

2267๐Ÿ‘ 956๐Ÿ‘Ž

nom nom nom

The sound made by the cookie monster from Sesame Street while he is eating his cookies.

Cookie Monster: Oooh Cookie! Nom nom nom!!

by Enips4evar December 11, 2008

1045๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž

nom nom


1. to eat with extreme delight

2. to nibble on something litte if specified


1. noise made when food is fucking good nd u wanna show everybody

"Lets go to mcdonalds" Jack
"Mmmm I'm going to Nom Nom 3 double quarter pounders" Chris

"Ow wtf? U bite my arm?" Bob
"No it wasnt a bite i nom nommed u" George

"U like that burger?" Steve
"Mmmm u love that burger

by Steve Perry jr July 23, 2008

328๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


NOM-NOM is a planet located in the farthest region of the binary star system. This planet is inhabited by the Noms. The docile creatures resemble domesticated cats with the sleek body of the cheetah. This formerly jungle-like planet contained many flowing bodies of water and a vast amount of lush vegetation was razed and destroyed by terrorist space otters (AKA Oms) who turned the planet into a barren desert.

Nom: NOM-NOM used to be awesome until those damn otters came here.

by thpostalxservice January 10, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nom noms

Used to describe food. Can be any delicious food including but not limited to chicken fingers or dumplings.

Hey, veronica lets go get some nom noms. There's a new dim sum place that just opened up. Lets go get some nom noms now. Your buying.

by Loves bacon September 25, 2018

Nom Noms

Nom Noms are a snack food or a food that is extremely delicious.

Nom noms get their name from the word nom, because nom nom sounds like your eating something.

Charles: "My favorite nom nom are cosmic brownies yo"

Joseph: "My favorite nom nom is pussy!!!"

Charles: "Um your a freak, your not allowed to eat my nom noms anymore"

by Dinkleberry Dan December 31, 2011

81๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nom Nom Nom

The sound generally made while eating

Teacher: Alex What Is Pi
Me: Pie Nom Nom Nom Nom

by James Runston December 10, 2008

301๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž