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I'm not gonna lie

A really annoying phrase that only a true douche bag would use.

Douche:That movie sucks, I'm not gonna lie

Normal Person: That movie sucked

by Billy Burge February 24, 2009

67👍 25👎

Im not gonna lie

A phrase made popular on xbox-live by "Im Too Crazy". The phrase is used to either make everyone that is listening to you aware that you are irritated by what ever is going on. To be used properly, you must stress your voice and hold your nose. It can also become very annoying after awhile when everyone you know is saying it all the time.

"Im not gonna lie, this song sucks" or "Chris, Im not gonna lie, your pissing me off"

by A Guy Thats Not Gonna Lie March 8, 2009

17👍 7👎

I'm not gonna lie

to emphasize the accent of the action

I'm not gonna lie, you're fucking retarded.

I'm not gonna lie, that bitch's vagina is wider than the grand canyon.

by Rahim M. July 14, 2006

99👍 60👎

I'm not gonna lie

I'm not gonna lie, this statement is the most overused phrase in probably every high school and and college.

The phrase is used when the speaker wants to inform the listeners that he/she is not lying. The phrase can be taken two different ways with the listener; A. The speaker could be lying, but he is just saying 'I'm not gonna lie' just so i don't suspect that he is in fact lying or B. The speaker is genuinely telling the truth.

If you are planning on using a catch phrase, I'm not gonna lie, if you use this phrase I will beat you with a stick.

A. *Talking to someone with a really ugly sweater* "I'm not gonna lie, your sweater looks really awesome."

B. *Talking to someone with some really awesome shoes* "I'm not gonna lie, you got some tight kicks."

by sffbeatpmles January 13, 2010

17👍 12👎

i'm not gonna lie

A saying Troy made up at Virginia Tech meaning he has to tell the truth but regrets it... It is spreading in popularity as we speak

I'm not gonna lie, but you are fat and ugly

by Troy April 21, 2004

19👍 86👎

i aint gonna lie

A formal declaration that what you are about to speak is plainly the truth. Although sometimes used deviously as a preamble to an actual lie.

i aint gonna lie , Tyrese got hops but he can't dunk on no 10ft rim.

by Pizzlej March 6, 2019

Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

The ultimate weapon. Say this to defeat anyone.
Linguistics: Derived from "ur mom gae"
History: was used to defeat hitler, stalin and mao, as well as convince Abraham Lincoln to abolish slavery

Hitler: I exist
The guy who killed hitler: Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Hitler: *dies*
Everyone else: Hooray! let's build a statue of the guy who killed hitler!


35👍 10👎