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Adding spree

To suddenly send a huge amount of Facebook friend requests.

Mark: "Wow, you now have over 500 FB friends"
Cindy: "Yeah, I went on an adding spree last night"

by kadrnctr February 10, 2010

74πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Spree Shooting

The infamous sport of using a firearm on innocent people.

"Holy shit! Did you see Dylan's kill count? His score was so high!"

"I could only wish to be one of the top 10 spree shooting athletes.."

by GayForPaddock April 3, 2019

Roguing spree

(noun) A successive series of instances of at three or more, almost always comical in reflection and retrospect, where a person or persons engage in various forms of theft or thievery, where there is little to no down time between each instance. Though not a rule, such sprees can oftentimes be fueled by intoxicants or drugs.

In back to back to back heists Jordy was on real hot streak with his latest roguing spree. He’d hit at least four unlocked dorms rooms on campus, ransacked them and relieved the occupants of any and all valuables he could find, went on into a nearby parking lot doing similar to over a dozen unlocked vehicles, and as a grand finale to the evening’s festivities found one vehicle with the keys in the ignition and took said vehicle for a joyride where he in short order crashed it into a nearby sorority house. Luckily our hero was able to walk away from the accident unhurt and unidentified. Moments he stumbled into his dorm room in a state of hysterics, which turned out to be contagious once he recounted the series of events from the evening.

by Nikki Stixx April 1, 2022

follow spree

a follow spree It's when celebrity's follow lots of random fans on twitter. And by "lots of random fans" I mean 100+ who actually would do anything for a follow from that celebrity not some inactive account or an account with an egg as their icon

a follow spree is the exact opposite of harry styles and liam payne following list

by sighstyles October 27, 2013

54πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Chilling Spree

Chilling 5 or more times in a row without dying. Can be improved to Chilling Frenzy if you chill 10 times in a row without dying.
A Chillionaire is the act of chilling with ten different people within four seconds of each other.

Now that summer's here, I'm going on a ridiculous chilling spree.

I pulled a Chillionaire today.

by Lauren Denise Brunet June 20, 2009

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

virgin spree

When someone sequently has sex with virgins, without having sex with a non virgin in between.

-"Bob had sex with 3 virgins in a row, he is in a virgin spree." --"Awesome!"

by Bry the Guy April 3, 2010

77πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Blocking spree

When you block a whole bunch of people on facebook for no particular reason.

This morning I was on facebook, and I looked at the friend finder. That's when I decided it was time for a blocking spree.

by SsBeef January 29, 2015

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