Source Code


Mars is the name of the most amazing human being you will ever meet. They deserve so much love and kindness, more than you could ever imagine. They're the funniest, most likeable person in all of their friend groups, and anyone named Mars can be described as the most amazing human being in the world, everything about them is perfect. They have an addicting personality, EXTREMELYYY LOYAL AND KIND, but they can also be mean and scary if you're a fucking bitch!! (which is very fucking hot!!) Mars is very creative, with an amazing sense of humour. They are extremely thoughtful, sweet and loving. The perfect s/o or friend. Mars is so fucking hot, off the scale, it should be illegal. Anyone dating Mars is extremely lucky in so many ways, and no one should ever take Mars for granted. All in all, Mars is definitely the best person you'll ever meet.

Person 1-Oh godddd, I think i'm in love with Mars!
Person 2-Dont be an idiot, you're not special....

Person 1-What?
Person 2-I mean, Isn't everyone?

by celestesbigdick April 15, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mar Mar

A small frizzy haired woman.
Whose thirsty for Bridget Reagan.

Yeah she's cute but you got no chance she's a mar mar.

by Daflad September 9, 2019


The name Mar Is a wonderful name to have, and he's simply a prodigy! A genius waiting to emerge into the spotlight! Mar is a very rare celestial being that roams this earth. Mar is kindhearted, and will always be playful and intelligent. But be warned-- Mar adores Marshmallows, and if they dont get their marshmallows then they will be super grumpy and taunt you. This name is a gift from God himself, so if you are named Mar, then consider yourself lucky. Mar tends to have hunger for knowledge, and always follow their own truths and ideals to remain true and pure in this world. Mar will normally conflict with themselves and other fellow humans, but will eventually find out what the issue is. If you plan on being a hoe or you dont act like yourself(and pretend to be someone that you're not), then stay away--- cause he'll snatch your toes for tainting his path to truths and ideals! Oh, and if Mar ever gets hurt... You'll simply be smashed and squashed like an M&M.

"Yeah, Mar? He's amazing! And he always gives me ice cream sandwiches, hes very kind. I love him to death!"

"Yo have you seen Mar? He's such a silly bookworm, but i guess that will come in handy for his bright future/"

"If i could pick out a role model, i would definetly choose Mar. Outstanding performance, always meditates and learns more about himself.. And he even studies others around him to understand the world! A very smart intellectual, i must say."

"God, if perfection existed, it would definetly be Mar."

by Ms. Anonymous! November 26, 2018

60๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person named mars can be described as a total mixed bag, their personality and over all demeanor cover a wide variety of points on the personality spectrum ie; loyal, kind, hot as hell itself, creative, thoughtful, sweet and many MANY more. They also tend to have a firy disposition and fight for what they want. Their love is unparalleled and when you're with them the possibilities are infinate. They are an irriplacaple light in your life and remind you what life should be about. Mars is an 11/ 10 on the "looks" scale, seriously, it should be Illegal. But either way, mars Is a wonderful person and you'd be lucky to have them in you're life.

Example: mars is fucking fabulous 10/10

by Some random twat September 23, 2018

67๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Mars

A kiss that adopts the jaw movements of Mars from "She's Gotta Have It". Specifically, the kiss entails a shimmying motion of one's jaw, while simultaneously slipping the tongue. It is highly recommended that one inform the recipient of the kiss that he/she will be performing this maneuver, so as not to alarm her/him and cause them to slap the sh*t out of him/her.

Greer: Yooooo. Guess what happened last night, bruh?

Jamie: 'Scuse me? Who the f**k are you, sir?

Greer: I'm the dude that tried to hit Nola with The Mars last night. See, I messed up and didn't tell her what was about to go down though.

Jamie: Tell me more...

Greer: So what had happened was, right, like, I started kissing her and then started shimmying my jaw and sh*t, right, and then next thing I know,


Jamie: ...Slapped the sh*t out of you?

Greer: Yeahhhhhh, how'd you know, bruh?

Jamie: Same sh*t happened to me last weekend.

Mars: Ahhhhhhh! Whack ass n****s.

by shesgottahaveit March 13, 2018


1. The fourth outermost planet of the Terran-Solar-System. Mars is nicknamed the "Red Planet"; It's red color is the result of great amount of iron oxide FeO2 (rust) in the planet's soil. Mars is a cold, dusty, dry place. Water exist only in frozen caps at the poles. Simple life may have once lived there when it was warmer and wetter. Mars has a very thin atmoshphere which does not protect it well from radiation or meteors. Mars is named after the Roman go of war (the Greek god was Ares)

2. Chocolate company that makes M&Ms.

3. The assumed location of a student who is "spacing out" or daydreaming in school.

1. An international manned mission to mars is expected between 2030 and 2050. The U.S. currently has two robotic rovers Spirit & Opportunity exploring the surface, searching for clues to the planet's past.

2. Mars makes great candy that melts in your mouth and not in your hands.

3. Dialogue Example -
Teacher: Ted. Ted? Ted?!
Ted: *looks dazed* Huh?
Teacher: The class is on problem 23. Where were you? Mars?

by Yobastank October 22, 2004

341๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


a real life blessing, the equivalent to an angel. usually has a heart of gold and cares about everyone. a whole lesbian. typically non-binary. has a huge crush on saoirse ronan and an obsession with bees.

person: did you know honey is dating mar???

person 2: no but mar is an angel, they saved my life.

by ophicleide October 20, 2019

82๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž