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so and so

A member of the Teen Girl Squad.

What's her face: So and so, you look tight. w00t!

by s7R0|\|g B4d May 29, 2003

55πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

so so

that that person is kinda doing good and at the same time kinda not.

How are you doing?

How are you doing?
So so

by flo October 29, 2003

54πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Shoot On Site (SOS)

It’s shoot on site (SOS) when I see him

by LKL1 December 4, 2019

1456πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


n., Acronym - 'Significant Other'.

My S.O. can't join us for drinks later.

by T.D. January 20, 2003

2900πŸ‘ 807πŸ‘Ž


A way of saying "TAKE THAT JACKASS"

I don't like you anymore, SO THERE...

by concerned_friend June 4, 2010

99πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

So be it

1. Expression of acceptance as agreement or surrender.
2. Amen.

If you choose to crawl, so be it. If you choose to stroll, so be it. If you choose to fly, so be it.

by jaelee11 March 21, 2008

281πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


SOS or SoS is a word often used in ytps in a poopism called "sentence mixing" when the subject speaking says something like sorry, sod, or even just sauce, but is reversed at the "ah" sound to sound like sauce. This can be done anytime someone says a word that uses the "s" sound followed by a vowel sound, or a diphthong (two vowel sounds with a transition between them).

Excerpts from YTP Paula Peen Consumes Family Members on The FooF Network by cs188:

Paula Peen: I'm gonna be makin'.. every meal except breakfast. AaaaAaAaAaAAaaau. There are three ingredients, plain cornmeal aaaaaAAAaaaaaaAAaaauu, SoS, and grandma. *loudly (over the... grandma pancake?)* NOW YOU CAN HEAR mah grandmother SIZZLIN'.

Paula as... idk, her mom?: PAULA ANN(?) HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND!??!?!

by 13UNOWN October 30, 2017

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž