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Panic Attack

An attack of anxiety or fear which triggers the body's fight/flight response.
This can give rise to a number of unpleaseant physichal and mental symptoms.

Contarary to some belief, medication is not needed to "cure" panic attacks.
They stop when you stop trying to fight them and just accept them and patiently wait for them to end.

Also a healthy diet, excercise and thinking about other people/things and not yourself helps greatly. Another thing that helps if you practice it is observing your feelings and not engaging with them.

"Why is she freaking out about every little thing and why does she think she has a brain tumor/heart attack"

"Shes having a panic attack"

"hey man how are your panic attacks?"

"I don't get them anymore, I realised I was just making them worse by worrying about them and trying to fight them, when I stopped doing that and started accepting them they went away in a month"

by recoveredpanicker May 4, 2009

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Panic! Attack!

A Brazilian ballroom dance punk group. Their music makes people dance. The lyrics are cynical and in Portuguese.

A translated chorus from Panic! Attack!:
"I feel like I'm gonna die and I hope I do.
Nothing truly bad has ever happened to me.
Baby, I feel bad for feeling bad.
We will die in the streets or in cars or in beds.
It makes no difference."

by Sixty-Seven October 7, 2009

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Panic! Attack

The awesome feeling you get listening to Panic! At The Disco. It is accompanied by singing the lyrics to a P!ATDsong, wishing you were Brendon Urie's girlfriend, and an insane desire to kill that freako who Brendon Urie'd Brendon.

(Friends are sitting around, when But It's Better If You Do plays on the radio)
Paris- Wow, Panic! At The Disco is awesome.
London- Totally. I'm having a Panic! Attack just thinking about them.

by Ms. Urie October 10, 2006

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Panic Attack

Drawing attention to yourself by breathing loudly, holding your hands on your neck, and disrupting class. These are mainly done by 14 year old girls who fail at life so they have to make people feel bad for them, ironically, these people that have "panic attacks" are made fun of much more than "normal" people and have a very average lifes but like to make it seem like they have big problems in their life, for example, saying your dad is an alcoholic or that your dad makes you do math problems in the middle of summer.

Allysa: so were in the middle of taking this huge test in history worth like two hundred points and some girl runs down the hall having a panic attack everyone is laughing so much that we couldnt finish the test and we got in trouble for making noise in the middle of a test.


by Chirsten June 18, 2006

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Gay Panic Attack

Definition accustomed to queer folks who love women but can be applied to all the LGBTQ+ community:
The moment when you see a beautiful woman and you just get overwhelmed by her beauty so instead of figuring out what to do next, your brain gets stuck into a loop of aggressively internally screaming WOMAN.

Friend: Why didn't you talk to her if you found her attractive.
Me: I couldn't, I was having a Gay Panic Attack.

by Karine Grey November 10, 2019

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Peter Panic attack

(N.) The sense of overwhelming discomfort that arises when one realizes he/she is no longer young.

Emily: So, Tyler isn't at work today.

Scott: Yeah, he stayed home with some excuse. It was probably just one of his Peter Panic attacks.

by Helping Verb August 23, 2010

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lesbian panic attack

when you see a fit girl and instantly get obsessed with her and you hyperventilate

olivia saw a girl and had a lesbian panic attack

by colinsandra October 28, 2017

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