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Short but a very loving person.She is great at reading and spend most her Time reading or working for her only daughter Angeline and her boyfriend Robert.Her boyfriend and her have been together 10 years and have an 11 year old daughter they raise together.Altho Angeline is not Roberts Child he’s been a father for her for almost her whole life

Patti and amazing person

by Erratic_Steak April 18, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


to be skipped, forgotten, left behind, or deleted.

"Spilly did you get in the queue"
"Nope, pattied again"

by faacts December 4, 2020


A wonderful person who is wicked strong and will stand up for what she believes in no matter how illogical it may be. They are usually rather small but their booming voices and personalities make up for this. They are willing to try almost anything and are wicked loyal to their friends. They are thebomb.com. They love music, movies, and cooking.

"You hear bout that girl being badass?"
"Yeah but it's just Pattie being Pattie"

by Ju-Fro September 4, 2013

91πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl who shows others the cutting edge of life. A sweetheart like no other.

I wish I could be a patti.

by Eve D'Plourp December 30, 2009

761πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž


Patty is another word for Princess.
Stemming from humble ancient roots, it takes its meaning from the Patrician's. A group of women (from the late B.C. ara), who were not only regal but fought for common beleifs.
Held on high "peditals" in their communies, they began to evolve into more than "warriors" but as symbols of beauty, strength and someone to be worshiped and respected. Hence the shortening of Patrician into Princess and followed in later years as Patty.

"Did you see that Patty? Daaamn she was hot AND smart! I bet shes a princess in bed"

by Strawberry Cake February 22, 2008

1142πŸ‘ 501πŸ‘Ž


When some little op thinks he can chef man up in the gulag.

*kisses teeth* Mans a little patty uno

by Dusty trim May 7, 2020

136πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

a patty

a douchebag friend who quits ur game of bloons or anything else.

A hole just did a patty

by stfuuuuuuu May 27, 2011