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pearly sip

A drinking game whereby a pearl of cum is frozen at the centre of an ice cube. The ice cube is then placed in a drink and the drink passed from player to player, each taking a sip before passing it on. The winner (or loser) is the player who gets the pearly sip.

"I won at pearly sip last night"

"Dude, no-one wins at pearly sip"

by Xenos of Aber January 14, 2014

pearly rain

An activity often practiced during dogging or other sexual gatherings whereby a man ejaculates from some height onto a participants head, as if "pearly rain" is falling onto them.

Samantha was subjected to a dose of pearly rain by Alex last night.

by Ed1819 April 11, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

pearly whites

most commonly used to refer to teeth. However, also used in Cockney rhyming slang to mean shites (or shits). "Bary White" or "Turkish Delight" are also used in Cockney rhyming slang to mean the same thing.

(teeth) she has a good set of pearly whites on her.

(shites) his friends are a pair of "pearly whites"!

by Andrew Olgado November 23, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pearly gates

When you pull out of the vagina a bit too late and ejaculate on the vagina itself.

Dave was drunk, and a bit too slow to pull out, he left her with pearly gates.

Dave: " I hope she didn't get pregnant, I left with pearly gates last night."

Sean: "That sucks."

by TomShannon666 May 3, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

pearly temple

A shirley temple made with a splash of pineapple juice.

My daughter enjoyed the pearly temple on our cruise

by SBLaw March 6, 2017

pearly gates

The gates that traditionally close off Heaven, if you believe in heaven as being a physical location and that it would require gates in the first place. The Pearly Gates are manned by Saint Peter, the discipline of Jesus who was the first leader of the Christian church.

When I died, Saint Peter stopped me at the Pearly Gates and told me I couldn't come in because they had a dress code.

by wydok February 29, 2004

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pearly gates

Another term for vagina.

Joe knew he was in Heaven after penetrating the pearly gates.

by Lurker February 27, 2004

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