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A lesser being worthy of little to no human rights.
The personification of severely pathetic; an amateur of the utmost degree.
Though the words' origins are rooted in economic status, the current economic correlation to an individual's peasantry is indirect. Granted, 21st Century peasants do frequently carry the inadmirable traits of medieval peasants including offensive hygiene, alarming stupidity, and physical characteristics befitting of ridicule. Unfortunately, these essentially nonessential creatures can be found in most walks of life.

Jesus Quintana: These fucking peasants think they can come to our territory and run shit? I am going to fuck each and every one of them in the ass.
Jose Contreras: Jesus...
Quintana: 'Ju said it man, nobody fucks with the Jesus. (storms out)
Bruce Lee: (walks up) Where the fuck did he come from?

by benny b from the bronx August 22, 2007

106πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


A loaded Fairfield county teenage high schooler obsessed with school spirit, dressing like a tomboy, social status, and popularity, yet in reality, they are just another basic peasant.

Peasant #1: "Hey Colleen, you going to the lax game tonight? There's a party at John's house after!"
Peasant #2: "You bet!! Turn down for what?!"

by StopThePeasants2014 February 28, 2014

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An annoying non-tumblr using cunt that is very oblivious to the internet world and isn't in any fandom.

Anyone who thinks David Karp, Louis Tomlinson and Scott Disick aren't sassy.

Basically people who don't have tumblr or don't know ship any two celebrities or don't have an OTP are peasants.

Person 1: I will never join tumblr, its shit.

Person 2: Tell me what is your life? Are you even normal? Get out of my sight, you peasant. *walks away sassily because you think you're just as sassy as Louis Tomlinson, Scott Disick and David Karp*

by thatulimatefangirl October 21, 2012

218πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž


Everyone that Mitt Romney doesn't worry about.

Mitt: There are 47 percent of the American people who... who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it... My job is not to worry about those people.

The Rich: Yeah! Fuck the peasants!

by xdan4deadx September 24, 2012

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


This is what you call your friend as a joke. But, only when he or she is your best friend.

Friend: Hi peasant, what’s up?
Other friend: I’m good, thanks for asking peasant!

by Catsarelifeforme October 30, 2019


Someone you are greater than. A peasant can be used to trade for prized goods and money, they all make very good slaves and are fun to tease.

Neigh Neigh is a peasant

by Neigh Neigh's Queen November 5, 2012

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A put down usually used to show how someone's project or action is badly done. Usually used in Australia

Mate, that throw was peasant!

by Chris Sharrad October 30, 2004

36πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž