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A total hottie I mean it's Peggy

Peggy is very beautiful duh! It Peggy

by Ding dong fing fong April 3, 2017

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A dominant female that loves to insert objects into a submissive male. Peggy's often brag about there strap on collection. They give their toys affectionate names like "Kong" or "Alexa". Peggy originally found her fetish during a lonely night at home on page 63 of Pornhub. Tell a Peggy that her submissive is gay and you will enter a 10 hour debate about the male "G" spot and how this is normal. Don't get bamboozled by Peggy trying to convince you to try a finger to "see how good it feels". You will know when you meet a Peggy because she usually will have on a sun visor and be coaching ladies softball. It is not uncommon to also find Peggy's in the cat food aisle at your local grocery store. Other activities Peggy enjoys beside pegging males with a strap on are: piss play (the act of urinating on Golden Tate Jersey's), general degradation of a submissive male and being the HBIC of anything.

Hey Jimmy I cant stand our supervisor. I heard he got pegged and pee'd on last week by Peggy!

by SilkyMeatloaf July 22, 2019

31πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Peggy is an absolute badass, she is strong and willing and ambitious. Peggy is loved by everyone and is very beautiful. Peggy is not a girl to be messed with, she will beat your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a month. NEVER underestimate a Peggy.

person1: Have you seen that girl-over there? she’s such a badass!

person2: that’s Peggy! I love her!

by yhdsbkadbku August 20, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Old soul

Peggy is such an old soul

by chyskyjj December 19, 2016

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Peggy is a sweet and energetic girl. There is nothing that can stop her from having a good time. She is talented and is determined to follow her dreams. You may think she’s always happy. But she always kept a smile on her face to hide the fact she just wants to snap. She let people take advantage of her. She might be thinking of suicide yet nobody even knows it. But there are certain stuff that can make her the fun and loving Peggy that she is.

Person 1: Peggy is really nice!
Person 2: eh, this girl looks like a Peggy

by DandyMorticia May 19, 2018

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Some one who got called "piggy" a lot in primary school.

Peggy is sensitive and caring. Although, she has insensitive and uncaring parents, who knew damn well their child would get made fun of.

Peggy- "Hi i'm Peggy, Let's play. Do you like skipping rope? you can use mine"

Some damn snot with a normal name- "eeewww I dont want to play with you, why would I play with a Piggy? Piggy Piggy Poo POO!"

by justinplayinyo4 February 5, 2010

129πŸ‘ 236πŸ‘Ž


a cunt Home Depot supervisor with a square body who likes to falsely report people.

It's ok to have fun now cause it all ends later on when Peggy comes in.

by hd1251 September 12, 2014

56πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž