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Howl Pendragon

Lets face it,
Howl gives us major gender envy,

or some major simps.

Person one: Dang...
Person two: What?

Person one: I want to commit gender theft

Person two: From who?
Person one: Howl Pendragon

by Sleepv March 1, 2022

Morgana pendragon

The most badass and hottest witch ever - alongside Lena Luthor but they're actually the same person. She's sweet but a psycho and there's no way you can resist her.

Person 1: Who's your favourite Merlin character ?
Person 2: Morgana Pendragon! She's so-
Person 1: you're gay.

by November 22, 2021

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Arthur Pendragon

He is daddy.

(Aka Jessie Thomas's daddy)

"Arthur Pendragon has hot nipples, he makes me moist"

by Arthurismydaddybish September 24, 2017

Danny Pendragon

A person, generally male, who believes in the Norns, Odin, and all things Norse. NOT to be mistakenly associated with the book Pendragon, which totally blows. He is usually a badass and listens to Viking death metal.

Lucy: Ohmagosh, that boy is so metal. He melts my face.
Tina: He must be a danny pendragon. For sure.

by jennosaurus rex January 20, 2009

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bahamut pendragon

Bahamut pendragon is a term describing anyone who is morbidly obese and bitter about his impending death from heart failure.

That fat guy is a real bahamut pendragon.

by scubasteve May 1, 2004

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morgana pendragon

The hottest and most badass gay witch - alongside Lena Luthor but they're actually the same person.

Person 1: what kind of magic does Morgana Pendragon practice ?
Person 2: she casts spells on every girls and makes them all gay.

by eileen_lefay November 22, 2021

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Blade Pendragon

The term for a hot sexy Irishmen with a big penis.

"You are such a Blade Pendragon."

by Jesus July 2, 2004

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