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A beautiful country southeast of China. It's a melting pot of western and eastern cultures. Although many people hate on the Philippines, that's unjustified becuase they're just there to look around. you have to live there to know the def. Filipinos (it's spelled with an F) are very religious, respectful, humble and hospitable people. WE are very classy and have great success when brought into the world stage. Big things that came out of the Philippines:

-Lea Salonga, singer and actress. Currently working at Broadway and sang for the Mulan soundtrack.

-Karaoke. The inventor was Filipino, but the Japanese popularized it

-Gloria Diaz and Margie Moran. Miss Universe winners. These women made a point to the world that the Philippines is home to beautiful people

-Fluorescent Lights. Invented by a filipino named Flores but the plans were sold to the French. FLUORESent. much like FLORES.

-Lydia de Vega, fastest woman in Asia

-the Marcoses. Yeah, Imelda and Ferdinand themselves.

-the moon buggy. The main idea of a moon buggy was created by a Filipino

-Manny Pacquiao. Best bocer pound-by-pound. Straight out of Gen San.

-Economical and miltary strategically located.

-we can speak english...so well that when we go to America, we only have to be in English transition classes for 2 weeks

-Paeng Nepomuceno. Greatest bowler.

-gorgeous beaches and forests

-great products, crops and such

tourist: I think western countries should envy the Philippines...it's a friggin paradise for intelectuals and beauties!

by simsbury7193 May 9, 2009

90👍 60👎


negative side:
a country where the media particularly the abs-cbn network is more powerful than the PNP(philippine national police). It is a country where people don't give a fuck about what the cops says, and if the cops do they job, people will either cry their ass out asking mercy from the public or shouting "youre volating my human rights!!" It is also a very corrupted country and some people here are very lazy and blames everything on the president if their life is severely fucked up.

positive side:
awesome beaches(ex. boracay, cebu, etc), beautiful babes or bebots, nightlife, etc.

police: would you mind to show me your id or license?
brainwashed filipino guy: why would I??? youre violating my human rights asshole!!!
me: haha welcome to the philippines!!!

by robbycard April 20, 2009

109👍 79👎


My home country , very nice beaches , very nice hearted people , Tropical Asian country , President ehh , Catholic country , a lot of people speak english , oh yes there are a lot of Filipinos around the world. (ESPECIALLY IN LOS ANGELES)

Foreigner: *makes a video talking about anything Filipino or in the Philippines*


by Bored10yearolld February 9, 2021

8👍 3👎


The Philippines is the country that rules the whole entire world. They were the country that colonized every country and human being way before any other country was colonized and discovered.

The Philippines is the true ruler of the world.

by MrFryGuy1330 November 3, 2019

11👍 5👎


Asia’s equivalent to Mexico
1. Lots of nice people
2. Both speak Spanish as one of their languages
3. Beautiful vegitation and beaches
4. Both use pesos
5. Majority of their population is Catholic or Christian
6. Both are in a drug war
7. Shitty corrupted government

The Philippines is nice, but the government sucks” - An actual Filipino I met in college

“Man, the Philippines really is Asia’s Mexico”

by TheIntelligentHorse October 6, 2018

11👍 8👎


the farthest a nation can be from being asian, while still being considered asian.

Unlike other asian nations
-Language structure, mythologies, ancestry etc..have little in common with its asian brothers
-Christianity is the main religion
-Eat using spoon and forks instead of chopsticks
-Forgave Japan for its actions in WWII

However, like other asian nations
-Smart and hard working people
-Huge nationalism
-Member of the ASEAN + 3 (what makes them officially asian)

Not to be confused with Pacific Islanders

Guy: The Philippines are islands in the Pacific, so they are pacific Islanders

Intelectual: so is Japan....

by some guy on the internet May 7, 2008

106👍 129👎


The Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos, during his expedition in 1542, named the islands of Leyte and Samar Felipinas after the then-Prince of Asturias. Eventually the name Las Islas Filipinas would be used to cover all the islands of the archipelago. Before that became commonplace, other names such as Islas del Poniente (Islands of the West) and Magellan's name for the islands San Lázaro were also used by the Spanish to refer to the islands.

The official name of the Philippines has changed several times in the course of its history. During the Philippine Revolution, the Malolos Congress proclaimed the establishment of the República Filipina or the Philippine Republic. From the period of the Spanish–American War (1898) and the Philippine–American War (1899–1902) until the Commonwealth period (1935–46), American colonial authorities referred to the country as the Philippine Islands, a translation of the Spanish name. Since the end of World War II, the official name of the country has been the Republic of the Philippines. Philippines has steadily gained currency as the common name since being the name used in Article VI of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, with or without the definite article.

"The Philippines has 7,107 islands"

by ReverendOntheRadio November 12, 2018

3👍 1👎