Source Code


A chode penis that is far, far wider than it is long, resembling a plate.

Mine's 1 inch long and 12 inches wide. Bitches call me The Plate.

by CTGreen February 27, 2020

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The anode in a vacuum tube; the surface to which electrons are attracted.

If you use the 201A tube as an amplifier, you should give it a plate voltage of 90 volts.

by BlastMaster June 16, 2003

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A laminated porcelain surface often used for placing foods on before they are digested. The shape of the earth is similar to that of a plate.

I ate coleslaw from a plate. I was then sick on the plate and fed it to my dog.

by ed April 28, 2003

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Origin: Ocean City, Maryland
Feeling of content or another word for lit, cool, awesome. That feeling when you're sitting at a restaurant and your plate of food comes.

Bro come to this party, it's gonna be hella plate!
That picture looks hella plate πŸ”₯

by joshniggafiz June 12, 2016

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


New Zealand slang not meaning an actual plate but as in a dish of food. Used in social situations went organizing a dinner party or get together. Bring a plate with food on it, not and empty plate.

Come around Saturday night, don't forget to bring a plate

by Jax91 August 6, 2009

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Sex life

Look at that plate it’s so sexy

by Shrek kid :) February 16, 2020

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when J.J. bobo's in his pants....and it begins to form a hardened armour plate....

"we had to use a crane to lift the plate pile out of the basement."

by McMurdle November 15, 2003

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