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A Pleb, short for Plebeian, is in short, a commoner, an idiot, someone whom you know to be the butt of all jokes and insults.

They are usually confused with Fuck boys, only a Pleb is below even them.

Plebs are very common in our day and age, you will usually find 1-3 of them within your social party.
They are very easy to find as they stand out, the most common trend among plebs at the moment is douche bag sunglasses and shark fin hair.

But don't worry, if the pleb is smarter than the average pleb and in disguise you can find them by these three simple steps: is your guy seeking attention, if yes-possible pleb, is you guy rambling non stop about crap you don't care about-most likely a pleb- and finally, is your guy telling you unrealistic stories you know are not true?-if yes, you definitely have a pleb in your presence.

they are a very sensitive species so please, be cautious when approaching.

1. Callum tried to be of use to the class when all he did was fuck up. 'God Callum your such a pleb' exclaimed the class.
2.He walked into the room with dark sunglasses on and a shark that sprouted from his head. At this very moment i knew i had laid eyes on a pleb.
3.When your friend tries to show your joke up with a continuation and fails. That's when you know .....you have met a pleb. RIP soul.

by sodonewithyourbullshit October 24, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who wants to drop out of school, live in a bush and work at MacDonalds

Josh is a pleb, he wants to drop out and work at MacDonalds

by TopSHAGGERinSA October 15, 2018

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Evan's a pleb.

by Evansapleb March 15, 2018

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Short name for plebeian, also a short name for Ben Tzodikov.

Person 1: TARS is such a pleb.
Person 2: But no one is as big a pleb as Ben.
Person 1: True

by notdarius June 12, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somebody like you

Bob: What does "pleb" mean?
Jerry: Some dude like you...
Bob: But more precisely?
Jerry: Uuuh, dude, I have to dip, talk to you tomorrow though, yeah?
Bob: But can you ju-
Jerry: BYE!

by รŸad life March 23, 2018

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Anya's a fucking pleb for thinking a burger isn't a type of sandwich

by chickendippa June 5, 2017


1.A word to describe someone stupid
2. A word do describe someone clumsy

"Johnny broke his phone last night"
"Johnny is such a pleb"

by Pleb lover March 26, 2017

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