Source Code


Blah, yadda, yadda, blah-yad, blur bang boing blah yoinch. Yuh, yuh, yuh, do dee whoo I love you. Someone stop me.

Wow, Bulletproof Marshmallow. Your definition for "pointless" is something I can relate to!

by Bulletproof Marshmallow October 29, 2003

44๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


see johneddowes, cunt, utter and fucking.

you pointless internet wanker, you're as bad as johneddowes

by Digi Massive October 10, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one person or object is more pointless than another.

Your pointlesser!
No your pointlesser!

by esfdsf October 17, 2007

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pointless Bobby

Pointless Bobby is somewhat of a game derived from the idea of 'pointless bullshit', 'bobby bullshit' or 'pointless bobby bullshit', hence the abbreviated name. The idea of the game is to tell someone a total lie for absolutely no reason at all except the fact that one has participated in Pointless Bobby, or as it's sometimes known, 'pointless bobbying' someone.
The lies made inside the game can be absolutely anything and again, for no real reason what so ever (which is the idea). Some examples may include telling people a false career of yours, such as a milkman.

There are no real winnings or rewards that come with the game except the comical effect it has when you tell your friends (who are also involved in the the game) who you have 'pointless bobbied' (plural) and the lies you chose to tell.

Person A: 'What? That gormless Ayo kid told me he was a milkman, I saw him working in Somerfield yesterday!'

Person B: 'Yea, he's not a milkman. He's also not a Priest, he doesn't live in Basingstoke and most importantly he doesn't own a golden toilet.'

Person A: 'What the hell? Why would he lie about that?'

Person B: 'Pointless Bobby, clearly!'

by ClearDoodan April 30, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

pointless fuck

sexual act executed between two persons and based mainly on instantaneously built mutual attraction and sexual arousal regardless of their past, present or future relationships.

"nothing is better than old good pointless fuck"

by Asano February 18, 2015

You're Pointless

A way of roasting a circle.

Unit 11: Circles
Triangle: You're Pointless

by Dropped My Idiot April 21, 2018

Pointless Ghost

A shady figure known for drawing the largest breasts on the most unlikely of characters. A menace to the society of online snowflakes who throw a fit over "oversexualization" of characters who aren't even minors. He's also a very nice person, so don't judge a book by its cover!

Wow, is that twitter user Pointless Ghost? He draws the best houseki art, but those boobs are awfully big...

by yoyothong January 13, 2022