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When you have met someone at the club that you find attractive and now you can’t get the idea of having sex with this person out of your head. You are now fully dedicated wanting to have sex with this person for weeks and weeks.

Man, it’s been a month and I can’t get her out of my head. I have fallen into the grip of the Prague-syndrome.

by The begrepp-man July 3, 2022

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Brack Prague

A derogatory term for COVID-19. This term combines the term "Black Plague", which is a common moniker for the Bubonic Plague that swept across Europe during the Middle Ages, with the Asian stereotype of "Engrish" where the letters "l" and "r" swapped with each other in words in order to mock an Asian accent. Sometimes used by racists in reference to how COVID-19 originated in the city of Wuhan, China.

Alice: "I can't believe we're going into lockdown again. Despite the fact that most of us are fully vaccinated."

Bob: "Well, if it weren't for that chink who ate that bat, we would never have to deal with the Chinese Brack Prague at all."

Alice: "Wow, Bob! That was just racist! You should get some help!"

by HoneyBadger32 December 23, 2021

new prague

A city somewhere in Minnesota. Sometimes referred to as "New Fag"

Hey, you want to go chase rainbows?

by eyebeegheeto July 6, 2005

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The name Prague means

The most kind, caring, and loving Man you will ever meet, and lets not forget about the looks. He is handsome and would have you die over his looks especially his face and eyes, and a beautiful personality

That Prague is so kind.

by oliviapersons123 March 25, 2022

Czech Technical University in Prague

One of the best universities in Czech Republic, you know the country where Beer is cheaper than water. It is currently 454th best university in the world according to the QS world rankings. While it is good academically (Mostly) it is shit in social life at least in FIT (Faculty of Information Technology). When you are in CTU say goodbye to your social life because it is going to be filled in lessons and trust me they won't look you in the eye when you failed the semester. Especially in FIT. If you are in FIT you are pretty much fucked.

-Hey, Where do you study?
-Czech Technical University in Prague.
-Which Faculty?
-Faculty of Information Technology.
-Oh so you have no life and you are pretty much fucked, great.

by Iron1984 May 21, 2024

Defenestrations of Prague

The act of launching a living person out of a window in Prague, with considerable speed. Preferably an Austrian Embassador, albeit a priest who has his own opinions works out fine as well.

Having happened thrice (1419, 1483 and 1618), Prague is the town with the highest risk of being defenestrated from behind, while simply enjoying the view!!!
So, should you ever visit the Czech Capital (its nice there), be careful to always maintain a safety distance of roundabout 7 metres from ALL windows, ESPECIALLY in town halls and/or other official buildings!!!!!!!!!

Oh man that guy nearly defenestrated me there... Lucky that I was warned about the Defenestrations of Prague on Urban Dictionary...

by C. Bernstein January 20, 2023

New Prague Limo

A pickup truck with the bed full of passengers.

“We don’t have enough seating
It’s okay, I’ve got a New Prague Limo”

by DozinkyDude September 18, 2022