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unable to sit properly

Basically just a bisexual.

Person 1: Bro I can't sit properly.
Person 2: Are you bi?
Person 1: Yeah how'd you know?
Person 2: All bisexuals are unable to sit properly

by ani.png June 2, 2021

it wasnt properly labeled

When C.B. is really drunk and urinates in nicks laundry basket. Upon furthur questioning, he states "It wasnt properly labeled."

by JW October 27, 2003

13đź‘Ť 11đź‘Ž

Properly blowed

When you smoke the perfect amount and you’re not too high but you’re high enough

*John and Jackson both take two last hits of the blunt and ditch it*

John: I’m pretty high dude.

Jackson: Yeah, that blunt got me properly blowed”

by Browhattheufck June 10, 2019

Not properly on atm

The act of being half online and half offline unable to join discord calls

“Hey, wanna play? We haven’t played in so long”
“Not properly on atm will let you know later”

“Yo let’s play”
“Not gonna be properly on this weekend”

by Tatekuru November 29, 2022