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another slang name for a black person. Like back in the day when they were property and not people

where the hell did my property go?....oh he was hiding in the dark

by backwards turned around March 25, 2010

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a submissive boyfriend

My younger, curly-haired boyfriend is my property- and he likes it.

by Amanda November 14, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 404๐Ÿ‘Ž

Community Property

A promiscuous person who doesn't belong to one person romantically, despite being claimed by one or more individuals. This person has a reputation for sleeping with various individuals and belongs to anyone who is willing to give them a good time.

"Hey Girl, I heard you were dating Allen. Well I'm here to inform you that he is community property and I wouldn't get my hopes on anything serious with him."

by RAGTAGFAG December 18, 2014

Det Property

The term given to girls who hook up with multiple marines, which means she's now officially property of the marine detachment.

After everyone found out she hooked up with the sgt and then the ssgt,erika was definitely det property.

by thatdiplobrat May 5, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


In CSS, a property is the attribute applied to a selector.

selector {text-weight: bold;}

If we give the property 'text-weight' with the value 'bold' to a selector, any occurance of text within that selector in the XHTML will be bold.

by Pathoschild March 21, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 375๐Ÿ‘Ž

property tax

THEFT of property.

Fred: Yay. I bought a house worth $200,000. Woohoo!

Government: Okay Fred. Gimme $5000 NOW.

Fred: WTF?

Government: Do you not get it? I said give me $5000 now, and you will do so every year you numbskull. It's called the "property tax". If you don't, I will seize your house.

Fred: What???? But it is my property. Why are you forcibly taking away a part of it.

Government: Because you're my bitch.

by 1nfid3l June 24, 2011

44๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

the property of ones

The theory regarding ones that the one-itude is directly proportional to the cold-itude of the one.

"A one that is not cold, is scarcely a one at all."

by TheEvilOne June 26, 2003