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Protein Poop

The frequent, very solid, and sometimes painful poops which result from eating protein bars and/or protein drinks. This typically occurs from eating too many protein bars or powder, as the body cannot metabolize the supplement efficiently.

When taking too much protein:
These poops usually occur many times per day, stink very bad to the point of potentially killing small pets, can be very painful and solid, and can potentially damage your toilet.

Protein poops are usually accompanied by protein farts, and when combined together, will ensure that the individual does not receive any attention from the babes / hunks they were attempting to impress.

Can result in: loss of girlfriend, loss of cat, injury to most dogs, damage to toilet, and damage to ass.

Sam: "So I had my skinny ass at the gym today, and some big wannabe tough guy destroyed the locker room with his Protein Poops."

Erik: "That happens to Jason all the time, now he never get any girls because he stinks so bad."

Sam: "Yeah this tool also ripped a protein fart next to some girls and they ran outside."

by FITstudent2009 June 20, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Protein Jeans

Semen-stained jeans, usually worn by a man, though women have been known to be stained as well. Characterized by faint white splotches, and much more easily identifiable under a blacklight.

You can tell that Buzz is addicted to jerking it because of his splotchy protein jeans!

by B100 September 24, 2009


After a man shoots his load all over a womens clit, she makes him eat it.

After Matt shot his load all over Jenn's twat,she insisted he eat her protein muffin.

by proteinxxx August 21, 2008

52๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

protein spill

Any bodily fluid that reqires clean up such as vomit, urine, blood, feces. This term is used most often in theme parks.

Nicole: "Hey Thomas, we've got another protein spill in the third car!"
Patty: "God, if I have to clean up another pound of upchucked popcorn I'm gonna quit!"

by Nicole Joy July 1, 2007

538๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

protein shot

A shot of jizz in the mouth.

Sara is a vegan but I keep her on a balanced diet with daily protein shots and hot beef injections.

by Nick D November 4, 2005

105๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Protein Cock

Putting protein powder on your cock and having someone suck it all off.

Hey girl you want to get big? Come here and get some protein cock.

by Fil Troung September 11, 2011

protein pills

Regarding to how artificial, empty, and emotionless the modern world is.

Something plain and boring. Often redundant.

โ€œSchool lunch is like eating protein pills!โ€

by HunkerTV October 9, 2023