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someone who thinks that problems thought up by the mind can be solved by even more thinking

Psychologist - "next time you are depressed i want to you stop being depressed by thinking about not being depressed"

patient- "ok"

by byyeeeeaaahhhhwat April 8, 2015

46πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž



Aha! There goes another useless psychologist!

by victorhadin March 27, 2003

124πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž


Often shady/sleazy/stupid. Often it's in their best interest that you keep seeing them.. Most are more screwed up than their clients they are supposed to help. Just because a human ape has a couple letters behind their name doesnt mean they stop being an ape.

Beth has a Phd in Psychology. She basically got it by blowing and licking the whole faculty. Just like she did for her Dad/brothers. She has more issues than a 45 year old crackwhore, yet is entrusted with others mental health. Dont trust her, just fuck her thats all shes good for.

by real deal October 23, 2003

87πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


A person who is payed mass amounts of money to listen to people talk about their feelings, but didn't go to school long enough to be allowed to prescribe the drugs they usually give out as a bribe for going to the shrink (go to a psychiatrist for that). Office characterized by overstuffer/ understuffed chairs and boogers under the waiting room tables. Usually has no life whatsoever and solves other people's lifes for a living because they cannot solve thir own problems, but will feel as if they have no control over the world unless they can control someone's life, ie, yours if you are unlucky enough to be dragged into a shrink's office.

Psychologists cause people mass amounts of phobia and are therefor completely useless and daft, seeing as they existr solely to solve others' phobias.

by random chick got bored March 7, 2006

71πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

clerical psychologist

A term that darkly mocks what clinical psychology has become in this data-heavy, lawsuit-driven world which often values documentation of treatment more than the treatment itself.

I feel like I should be called a β€œclerical psychologist” because the time needed to appropriately document the clinical contact, required by the state, can eat up the entire hour, leaving me with no time to interact with the patient!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 15, 2019

armchair psychologist

A person who gives advice for mental disorders, emotional disorders, or any other mental illness and has no known background knowledge of psychology. More than just advice with no clinical know how.

Some dude gave me advice on eating disorders at Mac D's and claimed that the food additives had addictive properties creating a mental cycle of "food abuse". I asked if he was some kind of armchair psychologist or a something, grabbed my number one with cheese and bounced. Fucker was right or was he?

by anti-goodtimes October 7, 2009

205πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Internet Psychologist

An individual, often pretentious, that takes huge leaps of logic in order to claim an understanding of the real-world persona of someone they come in contact with through the internet. This is usually in an argument or debate, as internet psychologists usually love to think they are right about everything.

They have a tendency to point out things that people say and use them as evidence to "prove" they are a certain way in real life. Often, they are wrong, as they tend to stretch the truth of the facts they are given to fit a negative image of the person they are "evaluating" and just come across looking like complete tools.

Internet Psychologist: You're obviously someone ugly who can't get a girl and is trying to downplay it by saying you don't think this attractive girl is attractive.

Normal Person: Dude, all I said was that I personally am not into redheads. Stop being an internet psychologist.

by Glamoiglia November 30, 2011

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž