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A person full of life and spirit to run wild in their own atmosphere and mind

Awesome, Pure

by WordsQuiz February 15, 2015

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Nickname for a form of E.
Usually in powder form, people say it's "better" or "more pure" than ecstasy.

Yeah, well I did a few lines of pure, and i'm feeling better than you

by Stupid&Naive. November 24, 2010

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Someone who has no experience with sex life, still virgin.

Ellie: "I'm pure, not like you hoe!"

by istolejiminsjams November 22, 2018

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Adjective. Being extremely excellent or awesome

Ryan: check out this awesome song!
Andrea: thats sooo pure!

by Bakerzman February 5, 2009

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Something that is straight from its source

The pure water was delicious

by nanny the one May 12, 2020


Someone who hasn't had sex, kissed anyone, or dating any one

I think I'm going to be pure for the rest of my life. My life is so lonely

by Graysondolansbabymom January 13, 2017

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Tilda Hempstead

girl 1: look at that Tilda Hempstead
girl 2: Shes so pure. never even looked at a boy

by michellebublΓ© November 26, 2018

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