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Puss puss

A huge lamewad, gets tickled easily, flighty, cowardly, and shy.

"Man Tom Ford, you're being a real puss puss right now."

by ampf98 June 15, 2017

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Puss puss boy

A Burlington Ontario slang for the term β€œhomosexual.” Founded by Jana Aburad

Ethan Chantler is puss puss boy

by Iain Evans April 28, 2021

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Puss puss boy

A Burlington Ontario slang word for β€œhomosexual.”

β€œEthan is a puss puss boy.”
β€œJana stop calling me a puss puss boy!”

by Iain Evans April 28, 2021

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Hookenasty Puss Puss

When You Eat a Hookers Pussy Out and Make a Vile Expression.

"Oh God Boy Why You Lookin so Hookenasty Puss Puss rn, COME ON LETS GO DEEPER!"

by MinderTing July 16, 2020

Puss Puss McGoogles

A man who has no balls, more commonly known as a pussy. He couldn't get any even if he tried.

Wow, Daniel is such a Puss Puss McGoogles, he must be really close to using baseball cards to jack off to.

by B F A November 9, 2006

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puss puss cunuss

a term used to describe someone who is being a dick head, ass, moron, any of the above originally came from the term "pussy" but added a little more flavor with a rhyme

Tom: Yo, the Yankees are going to win the world series. I guarantee it.

John: Shut the fuck up. You're such a puss puss cunuss

by JR founder of puss puss cunuss April 8, 2009

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Puka puss puss

Verry nice pussy

Tonight my girlfriend is gunna let me eat her puka puss puss

by Pukapusspuss September 15, 2018

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