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pussy ass bitch

Somewhon who can talk big but never shows his face and lies to avoid you. A pussy ass bitch is also somewhon who pussys out in every fight and somewhon who is scared but talks like they wanna fight

Justin is a pussy ass bitch

by danny tha man March 27, 2018

59๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy ass niggas

A real scared-ass punk, who talks shit that he can never back up. He will usually talk when he's around a whole lot of other people who would back him up in a fight; Over the phone; or amidst a crowd of people who will cover a can of whip-ass for him.

Pussy ass niggas talk big shit when they got a lot of company.

by Lamont Robertson September 20, 2006

356๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy ass bitch

A pussy-ass bitch is a dude who publicly goes after another man's wife on Twitter, because he thinks that will humiliate another dude, and he thinks humiliating other people makes him look good. But he's such a f%$king sexist that he doesn't even know that women can clap back on their own behalf.

So then, when the woman he was disrespecting claps back at him directly, he is totally surprised, because he is a pussy-ass bitch.

Donald tried to insult John's wife without even @ing her, so she told him he was a pussy ass bitch, and everybody agreed with her.

by Dread Pirate Toberts September 9, 2019

356๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy ass bitch

some one who isn't worth Shit, Never does anything right, and you don't want them on your Team.

Tim you pussy ass bitch.

by TjigsawC October 5, 2006

665๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy ass bitch

A pussy ass bitch is the biggest bitch that you could call someone. Their not a pussy because lots of people are pussies, there not an ass like a jerk, and there not just some bitch. There the worst, this is a drop down drag out straight up about to fight worst thing that you can call someone. A pussy ass bitch is the bottom of the barrel piece of garbage on the planet.

That dirty bastard stole homeboys bike, punched a girl, and lies when you ask him he is a pussy ass bitch!

by shideazy March 20, 2009

242๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy Ass Hug

When a girl really likes you and you like her, and instead of kissing her, you give her a pussy ass hug.

Girl 1 - So did he kiss you?
Girl 2 - No all he did was give me this pussy ass hug.
Girl 1 - Wow. He needs to grow a pair.

by Johnguyhi March 9, 2008

87๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy ass nigga

Someone who acts hard and then runs from fights

50 cent got snuffed by Ja Rule and didn't do anythint. 50 is a pussy ass nigga

by 711arabkiller December 19, 2005

868๐Ÿ‘ 359๐Ÿ‘Ž