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to deal with rivals on the street- often in a forceful and violent

nate dogg and tha g-child had to regulate

by DrewDown January 20, 2003

278๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


see Nate Dogg or Warren G.

Let me contemplate,
I glanced in the cut and see my nigga Nate.
Sixteen in the clip and one in hole
Nate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold
Now they droppin and yellin', its a tad bit late
Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate!

by boom boom b September 5, 2004

146๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who Bring authority to a chaotic situation.

Regulators walked up to the scene and took care of the problem with ease.

by Fabulously funky February 3, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1- To be in control of something using brutal force and/or abusive power. 2- Also often used as a adjective, as in 'Tha Regulata', or one who regulates.

I'ma have to regulate this suckah if he doesnt quit.

He's a true king, he is tha regulata.

by ST3 October 12, 2004

318๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.To fuck shit up.
2.The action of Regulators.
3.Wreck shit.
4.Make others look like pussies.

guy 1 "Dude I just REGULATED those dank 949 chicks"
guy 2 "What did you do?"
guy 1 "Mounted up..."

by YEEEbudddy April 24, 2011

51๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


The adventurous sexual act of holding a female partner upside-down in the air by her ankles,and in turn pounding her esophagus with your genetalia.

Hey brah, I totally went king kong on Judith's mouth last night with THE REGULATOR

by THENUMBER7 May 28, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


to keep something or a situation under control. to place restrictions often for the good of the whole

if someone doesnt regulate submissions to this urban dictionary, it will become an even larger chunk of turd.
see SHS freshman

by wiseman January 20, 2003

98๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž