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One who willingly accepts foreign objects inside ones anal orifice. Can be female, but usually is male.

A male who enjoys anal sex,(either by penis or sausage like object/s). Usually found on Saturday nights hanging around public urinals, or like unlit places.

by Jake March 1, 2005

12πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Head Receiver

The Head Receiver is the most important job title you can get in a company. After a stressful day workers go to the Head Receiver to give their energy and take the seed of victory into their mouth.

Head Receiver: give me head and take my seed child.
Worker: yes master head Receiver
Head Receiver:*head receiving noises*

by Engle raped me April 14, 2019

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

receive and leave

when you receive a blowjob and immediately stop talking to the girl and move on to the next for some more

nic : β€œi think she wanna be a thing”
wolfie : β€œbruh...”
nic : β€œi’m j gonna receive and leave”
wolfie : YUH

by d’angelo versace January 18, 2018

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Receiver Mullet

A well-coiffed, feathered mullet or mullet-like hairdo favored by male homosexuals.

Man, did you see Kanye West at the 2009 Grammys? He was totally sporting a Receiver Mullet.

by t717 February 9, 2009

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

wild receiver

a girl or woman who, when in state of sexual arousal, turns into a sexual maniac. Similar to "a freak in the Bed" and the opposite of "a mild receiver".

This rare female quality is possesed by only a small population. This quality is to be considered as good.
However, it is really hard to identify such a woman, especialy when she is in an non sexual mood.

NOTE: If your date turns out to be like this, you are one lucky boy! Do not hesitate to give her what she needs.

Chever: Yo Joe, remember I hooked up with that girl last week?
Joe: yeah i remember. How was she?
Chever: She is such a wild receiver! She was tha Bomb

Angelina Jolie is definately a wild receiver

by Scheffers September 27, 2007

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

wide receiver

1. A position in American Football.
2. A male homosexual whose anus has been terribly stretched by the ravages of chocolate love.

He is a wide receiver!

by Ian Chode February 2, 2004

141πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Indian Receiver

One who initially accepts a gift, and then later returns it.

You know, I thought I wanted your old microwave but after two months I realized it was too big for my kitchen. Here it is again -- sorry to be an Indian Receiver.

by Velleity April 4, 2011