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Usually a person with an alternate gay ego often attracted to their alternate characters in online games, more often than not Recoils want to FPS due to their lack of skill in MMORPGs

Man that recoils so gay he dances naked with his male toon

by Mastablastah September 7, 2010

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The coolest MO_FO EVER!!

The guy who wrote this obviously! (recoil669)

by Recoil669 October 16, 2003

7πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

no recoil

No recoil is a type of cheat with which the recoil of a weapon gets

removed completely what is making it easier to hit the enemy

The weapon of him is not moving at all. I think he got no recoil

by fabian961209 August 6, 2018


Alan Wilder’s musical project after and during his time with Depeche Mode

OMG she loves alan wilder, so naturally, she’s a huge recoil fan

by hotfordm August 19, 2021


some one that is a beast at every FPS. normally a gamer whit recoil in a online ID is most likely to have the highest score at the end of a round.now gamers whit a number at the end of recoil are most likely unstable,smokes alot of weed,shakes his fist at the tv every time he die's,and call you a jew every time you come across him in a lobby

man did you see that recoil go,he just raped the whole team.
man did you see that recoil08 go, what a fucking scrub and a racist on top of it

by recoil08 April 6, 2011

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Recoil is what I have to do with my penis after urinating so it will fit back into my jeans.

JUST HOLD ON! I will be out as soon as I recoil my penis and zip my jeans.

by Jonathan September 21, 2004

22πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


To refuel a Tesla automobile.

While your gasoline automobile takes five minutes to refuel, it only takes me 90 seconds to recoil my Tesla.

by jeffisgod September 14, 2014

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž