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Andie Redmond

Andrea Gayle Redmond or, Andie, is a fictional character from the hugely popular Mibba.com story based on My Chemical Romance, "Think Happy Thoughts". A stylist. An accomplished pianist. A nostalgic history buff. A lover of the theater. A comic book, Star Wars, and coffee-addicted geek. A timeless classic full of wit and charm.

Andie Redmond: When I play piano, it feels like...like it's something personal, something just for me.

Andie Redmond: I LOVE the 40's. I can immerse myself in that period.

by A.G.Wolfe May 25, 2009

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Matthew Redmond

A notable man from Denver Colorado who has very fancy pencils and likes farming.

Matthew Redmond has awesome pencils.

by Yung Thug Lord Illuminati March 12, 2015

Chris Redmond

Means to be a rapist or to fuck of all genders

Girl-"hey is that Chris."
Boy-"yeah he is a rapist."
Chris Redmond- rapist

by Deadinsideperson December 12, 2018

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Jacob Redmond

nasty, lying, twatt waffle, peice of ass; slew

"i feel manipulated and hurt." said girl number one. "ohh you must be talking to jacob redmond!" said mari.

by Cranberry Wilkerson January 30, 2010

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Jane Redmond

The substitute friend. Always on the bench. No one stops for her to tie her shoee

I never want to be Jane Redmond her only true friend is Rachel Hayes

by caoimhe power April 17, 2023

Beast of Redmond

One of many nicknames for Microsoft, though it can also be applied to the corporation's ethically challenged founder, Bill Gates.

Like George W. Bush, the Beast of Redmond will probably fail in its bid for world domination, if Vista is any clue.

by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007

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Scott Redmond

Amazingly sexy, very attractive boy, lives just west of Hull and is very caring. He is an extreme playa and is usually found surrounded by girls or pwning at cod!

Sexy girl: OMG I cant take my eyes off Scott Redmond

Other girl: Awh, same!

by Scott Lover April 1, 2010

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