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Reproductive cough

Coughing during sexual intercourse, making your partner get some of that good virus

A female tiger after a reproductive cough was tasted for cov2sars and she turned postive

by Streetnigga69 April 6, 2020

asexual reproduction

often confused with autosexual reproduction
in asexual reproduction only one organism, which is neither male nor feamale, is involved. the organism reproduces either by
1. fission, litterally spliting itself in half to create two organisms. (imagine having yourself ripped in half, and then each half growing back the half it is missing)
2. budding, where the new organism starts of as a growth on the side of the original organism. (like having a little man grow out of you're ass cheek, a little man that is exactly like you)

Yeast cells use asexual reproduction. (specifically the second form, budding)

Single celled organisms often use asexual reproduction (fission).

by astrocom January 4, 2005

66πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

reproductive act

Sex is the reproductive act.

Calling the reproductive act "sex" leads young people to engage in sexual intercourse mostly oblivious to the main possible consequenceβ€”creating a new life.

by but for December 3, 2017

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sexual reproduction

the most embarrassing yet humorous (to some) topic to ever be talked about in a school classroom. Even worse if your crush is there.

Teacher: So today we are starting a new unit on sexual reproduction!

Class: *groans, laughs, blushes, just sits there etc*

by A Fellow Boi April 26, 2018

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

reproductive system

the reproductive system is a series of organs that result in the reprduction of a baby here are the human reproductive organs
Male reproductive system-penis, vas deference, cowpers gland, seminal vesical, epidydmis, testicals, scrotum, sperm, semen, ect.

Female reproductive system-cervex, vagina, uterus, phallopian tube, eggs

the sex system reproductive system

by bobllup July 18, 2010

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Reverse Reproduction

When a guy gives birth out his Penis

Did you Here about the case of reverse reproduction ...............nether did I

by I have no gender November 28, 2017

human reproduction

People eat bananas and drink sprite till they have a kid.

Man: Hey honey, you wanna have a kid?

Random Woman: Um...... Don't know you but yeah sure! I hate my boyfriend. Let's do it.

Human Reproduction.

by Mrs. Montgomery Eklickson May 22, 2017

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