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A giant banana that unpeels itself to form a PHAT nigga chain

god damn that nigga chain is PHAT

by Anonymous July 25, 2003

17👍 29👎

Ricco Mode

When someone named Ric is capable of anything mankind sends their way. Also, used when someone gets angry or goes psycho

He went Ricco Mode at the shooting range.

by Shaqueerius White May 5, 2019


gets money fuck bitches

he is a ricco

by ricco:] November 19, 2022


Zombie cunt

Alfie thinks Penny’s side boy ricco is a real cum swallower

by mybutt681 August 19, 2020


A cute young man funny always have girls by his side or going out with him and is never single right now he go out wit sontareaha

I'm ricco and I'm never single

by Duricco January 23, 2019

Dirty ricco

A fat man who lives in quincy ma and lives alone just sitting on his computer chair. Normally has no friends and can't get a women or man to save his life. Normally smells like piss

Hey you hear of the dirty ricco?

by Steven Leppard June 1, 2022