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highway robbery

when the price for something is sky high, because the manufacturer knows you need it and have no choice but to pay for it. stems from gas stations on highways in the middle of fucking nowhere who charge $10 for a 2 year old microwave burrito because they know the next gas station is 150 miles down the road.

Person 1-"Man, I paid $50 for 3 gallons of gas, a pack of gum, and a soda last night at this gas station in bumfuck Egypt"

Person 2- "Talk about highway robbery!"

by One1ove719 January 31, 2010

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Unarmed Robbery

A rare feat when a person with no arms robs a bank. Usually commited by that cool guy with no arms on the USA Archery Team.

Robber: Gimme all your money!
Teller: lolomgwtfbbq! You have no arms! How could YOU rob us?
*robber shoots teller (pulls the trigger with his eyelid)*
Robber: Like that.
*robber gets away*

This is an unarmed robbery at it's finest.

by Beerparty October 17, 2012

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Commit a robbery

The act of stealing one's girl at a club or party whilst he is away.

How to commit a robbery:

Mike "The Situation":I committed a robbery, bro.

Vinny: Yo, man, who does my dick taste? How do you like my sloppy seconds?

Mike "The Situation":(after giving it some deep guido evaluation)...I committed a robbery, bro.

~Jersey Shore

by Wafflicious July 10, 2010

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Reverse Robbery

When you walk into a convenient store, bank, etc., and stab the clerk. After wounding the clerk, you proceed to PUT MONEY into the register instead of taking it out.

Dr. Steve enjoys Using his extra money stabbing hotel clerks in a Reverse Robbery

by Goombz February 2, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bank Robbery

A job pulled by at least minimum 4 people, a driver crowd control and bagger are required. If someone tries and fails their first time *cough* cough* dye pack *cough* I mean, everybody has to start somewhere, right?

Bank robbery

by pseudonym ใƒ„ October 19, 2020

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Canadian Robbery

When you break into someone's house and leave them things instead of steal.

Pulled a Canadian Robbery last night. Broke into buddys house and left a pie in his fridge

by Tatathereretard April 6, 2020

cuban robbery

When you break into someone's house and steal all and only their food.

Yo Rob you want to go pull a cuban robbery on that waffle house?

by RickySikeman March 3, 2017

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