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A talented and tall young man. Characteristics of a golden retriever. Someone who is going places. He makes groovy tunes and shows his teeth.

I made so many new friends today. I was called inspiring all the while I was being inspired. I feel like a Robby.

by eom901 July 22, 2011

81πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


The sexiness of the world

The Robby usually comes equipped with a big penis. o a penis so so big

A god among all men

He is most noticeably on the cover of teens magazine, and porn hub
The Robby usually lures its prey into a dark cave typically (old people) and hides behind a rock, when the old person usually wonders forward he jumps out from behind the rock and yells shmeggle and jumps on the old person ripping of their ear with his teeth and running away with the old persons ear in his mouth

OMG i just went on a date with batman i mean Robby

old person-Hey sunny were did you go?
Robby-Shmeggle !! pounce (rips off ear and leaves)
old person- !%@#&$^%#@&$*#$($(& shit

by Captin Fordo July 29, 2013

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Aka a pickachu

Wow, look at robby. He makes my heart shock like a pickachu.

by Pikapika69875 May 15, 2011

31πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A gentleman game weed gamer who has 2 dick veins, who get's all the hoes, blind as a bat but a cool mf. The best person who's there for you whenever you overthink. Funniest laugh and screams a lot XD


by gorillagripcooter April 25, 2020


A guy who is, in a short explanation, funny in numerous ways. Very sarcastic and caring but not many girls seem him as anything more the a substitute for a gay friend.

See him! I feel sorry for that Robby

by thatonekid112233 April 5, 2011

40πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A kid, usually 15 who’s balling out. Robby’s usually have parents will lots of money. They are also usually making up excuses because their friends get girls daily but for Robbys, girls are hard to come by. Robbys are very generous people and great to be around. Robbys often keep their social circle small and aren’t particularly keen on new people (especially from Leaside). Robbys have massive vapes though. And think they are vape gods but are to scared to smoke. Robbys follow trends like supreme.

Robby’s parents gave him 3 racks to drop on supreme.

Robby bought me lunch today, whatta guy eh.

by dick $avage April 10, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Asshole who thrives on making me jealous because he can't be with me thus making me very sad. he succeeds on making me jealous. Asshole...other wise the sexyest dude alive ^^

"Hey you see that chick over there?" "yeah why?" "Mammas working it." *Looks at him with disgust* "You're such a Robby"

by Envi5994 March 11, 2009

56πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž