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My best fucking friend, the funniest dude you'll ever meet. He's so caring, you'll never meet someone like him. He cares about everyone around him and has so much potential. He will always be there for you, even if you don't deserve it, Ross is the most special dude you'll ever meet. He makes you feel like you matter in a world where you feel like you don't. Never take advantage of him, because he's the only thing in this dumbass world that matters. He's so amazing and he doesn't even realize it, so it's up to all of us to let him know how much he changes our lives, and how he makes them so much better.

Ross? I think you mean God.

by WillyWonkaIsMyDad January 7, 2019

18👍 4👎


A booty man. Likes to think he’s the funniest shitposter on Facebook but really it’s just a bunch of 16 year old girls reacting to his posts because they know he’s a nonce. You’ll see him out in DTC every friday AND saturday, but don’t count on him most weekends because football is life. Has a shit trim at the minute but has a horse cock so you decide which one tips the scales. Ross will wanna desperately get with you when you’re both drunk at 2 am because he has no other bitches but he’s also a great laugh and have I mentioned the horse cock?

You should definitely watch out for Ross, his type is girls with boyfriends

Ross does have stamina

by ZuzannaT March 18, 2020


A very handsome man with mysterious bright blue eyes. Has a way with stealing your heart and making it melt with his sweet words of affection. His smile gives butterflies to the girl with the green eyes. Hugs like a bear, kisses sweetly, and loves deeply. Caring and passionate. To sum it all up, a total sweetheart :)

I love you Ross

by february24 September 1, 2010

397👍 199👎


When Something Is Straight Awsome To The Max.

"Seven forty-five, white on white, thats fuckin ross."

by boobieman February 20, 2008

1290👍 696👎


A sweet caring boyfriend. He treats you like a princess even when you don't deserve it. He has those gorgeous blue eyes that will steal your heart with just one look. Always treat him right.

Your so Ross

by Cameronpaige February 3, 2013

30👍 10👎


A really hot guy who loves World of War Craft and Star Wars. Ross is a guy who you can trust with your life. He is funny, doesn't care what other people think of him, and real. He doesn't try to be anyone he's not. Easy to fall in love with and just a caring person. You can never get bored with Ross even if your having a three hour conversation about nothing. He is really sweet and sensitive. He can commit to sports and other things, but not girls. You can have the best conversations with Ross. He gets drunk a lot and has really crazy and funny drug stories. You will be lucky to ever meet a Ross because they are hard to come across.

Girl 1: Do you see that really hot guy over there playing World of War Craft.
Girl 2: Yeah
Girl 1: Well, who is he?
Girl 2: Oh thats Ross. You should go talk to him. You will rarely meet someone like him ever again.

by LacROSS Caller April 22, 2011

134👍 62👎


Ross; a kind yet introverted person. Nevertheless always strives to treat others with respect and kindness. Personally goes out of his way in order to help those around him and also talking things out with those who need it. At first they may seem to be quiet but their quite loud and talkative in reality.

It should also be noted that Ross can become insecure or out right down on himself just cause of how empathetic he can be towards others and their situations. So make sure to be supportive of him, even if it means giving him space to cool off of talking things out with him at times.

Ross is also a bit of a hothead when it comes to gaming, but he’s also quite chill at times, especially when he’s drawing or listening to music.

He might not be the tallest or the handsomest; heck he might not even be the brightest when it comes to social shit. But in the end of the day, when all is said and done. Ross is the greatest friend you can have, as he goes out of his way to help you. Knows when ur down and helps you out. Shares your heart ache and helps you cope. He even is willing to make the sacrifices others won’t for his friends. So if you have a Ross, don’t let go, or give them up. As a Ross like that is something you won’t find again; not ever in a thousand years.

Person A: “That person...he went out of his way to help me when everyone else was talking shit about me...who is he?”

Person B: “That guy? He’s Ross. To be honest he’s always like that not gonna lie

by Lord Profit November 10, 2019

7👍 1👎