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Acronym for "are you fucking?"
better known as "are you fucking kidding me?"

Idiot:I think tony romo is better than tom brady
Person: RUF?!?!?

by Astrosfan051217 December 11, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


the biggest bitch you will ever know, the one you will never strive to be

Yo, I never wanna become like Ruffing

by myman12344234 March 24, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

ruf net

"ruf net" sagt man, wenn jemand was cooles unternimmt und man selber nicht gefragt wurde, ob man mitkommen will.

*Story von Affenberg mit der Gang und ohne Aylin*
*Aylin guckt Story an*
Aylin daraufhin: "Oha du snitch, ruf net"

by adrian aus singen city June 17, 2020

Ruffing the suspect

Intense vigorous masturbation where nothing can brake your concentration on the job at hand.

I went to the kitchen last night to get a drink of water. When I walked through the living room I noticed there was porn on the TV and my roommate was sprawled out in the lazy boy ruffing the suspect. I got my drink and went back to bed. He never even noticed I was there.

by Johnny S.F. April 26, 2011


A homosexual term where a man eats another mans ass out, spits inside of his asshole, and then jams his fist into his ass without warning all the way to the elbow

Gary could not sit in a chair for days because of the TC RUFFING that Mike pulled on him weeks ago.

by John Semarcus- U.K. March 28, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term for rideing a donkey and then fucking the donkey in the asshole several times

one day tc ruffing was rideing a donkey and he got really horny so he stuck his tiny penis into the donkeys asshole several times

by tee-see-ruff-ing March 30, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

red ruffed lemer

they are the most beastlyest creatures alive and they are way beastlyer than wombats

OMG that red ruffed lemer was so amazing!

by claudiarox January 18, 2008

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