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A runner is a female willing to bust down everybody. Could be everyone at the party or two home boys. She do whateva not just some head...

Joe, Craig, Shawn, Tim, Rob and Harold had them a runner after the party.

by Brandy B May 6, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of running from a taxi without paying the fare. Also, the act of cheating a (presumably) honest, hard working man out of money by neglecting to pay for the service he has provided you by fleeing.

"I dont have enough money to pay the fare from here to home. I think we should do a runner on this taxi"

by Jaace11 December 5, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being on a bender of speed, coke or meth where you usually keep it going, don't sleep of eat for at least 3 week

"Damn man! You look terrible"
"Yeah me and homeboy went on a month long runner and I'm just coming off it"

by YerOlDad July 23, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A woman that likes to have sexual interactions with multiple persons. A woman that gets around.

Be careful messing around with that chick, she may have something. She is a runner.

by Boogie87 February 15, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A free runner who is a member of a Urban Ninja Clan

Fred: I just got jumped by five runners.

Jerry: Damn that sucks. Did they come from the shadows?

Fred: Yeah it sucked.

by Shade the Night Hawk December 23, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Typically found on college campuses. A runner is an individual who spontaneously takes of in a wild gallop for no apparent reason. This individual can most commonly be seen in the late hours of the evening when few people are outside.

I was walking with my girlfriend last night and a runner came down the sidewalk. After stopping in the middle of the walk, she proceeded to round the corner and fall.

by A Concerned Streak October 12, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who run's from their problems. Whether it's from a financial standpoint, arguments, or the truth.

Peter had a disagreement with Lexi but since Lexi is a runner, she didn't respond and left.

by Sonya345 April 23, 2017

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