Source Code

Ryan Ross

You use the term Ryan Ross when leaving. Just like he did years ago

โ€œGotta Ryan Rossโ€

by Matilda Way June 21, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ryan Ross

Ryan Ross is the guitarist and occasional background vocalist of Panic! At The Disco. He makes girls swoon. Unless you're... like... stupid. Or unappreciative of the finer things in life. -cough-

He's been known to make boys swoon as well.

Contrary to popular belief, no, Ryan & Brendon Urie are NOT gay for each other. Just say no to rumors, people.

Random person: Who's your fave Panic! guy?
Me: Psh, Ryan Ross, fo'sho.

Random person: I hate him. He looks like a girl.
Me: NO HE DOESN'T. Stupid unappreciator! -smack-

Random person: bUtT h3z lyk gaaaiiiii!!11!!!11!!! 0MG ELEVEN!!11!!!
Me: o_O ...shut up, before I sic crazed fangirls on you.
Random person: NO, NOT THE FANGIRLS! I'll stop spreading lying rumors, just DON'T GET THE CRAZED FANGIRLS!!!

by jbikdude January 3, 2007

99๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ryan Ross

Ryan Ross is my child.

Ryan Ross is a precious bean

by sinfulwishings November 14, 2018

Ryan Ross

You thought J.K. Rowling had the power to turn people gay? Pfft... this boi Ryan Ross is the definition of beauty on the inside and out.

straight dude: yo, what music do you listen to?
other dude: Pretty. Odd.
straight dude: *listens to the album* oh my geesus this is great music
straight dude: I think i'm in love with Ryan Ross...

by JobeJobe4eva May 28, 2019

Ryan Ross

Ryan Ross was the hottest member of Panic! at the disco now member with Jon Walker in The Young Veins.

*sighs* I really miss Ryan...

Teen1: Oh my god i love Ryan Ross!!

Teen2: No way i hate Ryan... hes fugly! I like brendon...

Teen1: *punches teen2 in the face* TAKE THAT BIATCH!! YOU LIE!! YOU LIE!! Brendon is cute but RYAN IS BETTER!

by ILOVERYDEN August 18, 2011

47๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ryan Ross


Ryan Ross is the hottest member of Panic at the Disco (recently taken the '!' out of their name). He plays electric guitar and backup vocals.

Ryan Ross is known to have *something special* with lead singer Brendon Urie. They're both so hot though!

by Mrs.atthedisco* February 26, 2008

410๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ryan Ross

the ex-guitarist of panic at the disco. as of july 6th 2009, he (along with jon walker) have decided to leave the band so they can "embark on a musical excursion of their own" he is very hot and wrote all of the bands lyrics. the band will never be the same without him.

fan 1 : "omg ryan ross can't leave! I love him!"
fan 2: "he wrote the most awesome lyrics..."

by foreverhopeful July 8, 2009

58๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž