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convent of the sacred heart

an all girls high school that is NOT full of sluts and drunks. there may be some of those, but thats the case in EVERY high school. convent girls are smart and confident. NOT all of them are rich or wear designer clothes, some of them have financial aid, just like EVERY other high school. so all the haters need to calm down and maybe try meeting more than 1 convent girl before dissing the entire school.

"Look a Convent of the Sacred Heart girl, she doesnt look slutty to me!"

by notaconventgirl February 1, 2010

108πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Sacred Heart Girl

A Private school on the upper east side full of hot, cool girls who party without being sluts. They are nowhere near as innocent as they seem. They party hard and still get good grades. You'd never see a Sacred Heart girl doing drugs and getting way too fucked up to function. They over-all dominate the other Private Girl School on the Upper East Side.

Guy 1: Look a Sacred Heart Girl!
Guy 2: Those Sacred Heart Girls are the hottest shit around!
Guy 1: Im gonna hit that tonight.
Guy 2: If you're lucky..

by laxguy101 January 7, 2010

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Sacred Heart University

Sacred heart university is a small college in Fairfield CT. Sacred Heart University is a small school that offers a lot and its up to you to do something with it. Most of the population comes from Long Island, CT and MA but there is a small population that only complain about the school and never do anything to fix it. 85% of student body are Apathetic and its sad. They(the 85%) sit around and drink and complain. The RA's are pretty fair, if you are acting up then OBVIOUSLY you will be written up, such is life and If you dont like it, transfer or move off campus. SHU never promised to be the place for you. SHU does what it can with what it has. It isnt perfect but no school is. college is what you make of it and SHU is a great place to be if you have a personality and some type of intelligence

Person 1- hey Sacred Heart University sucks
Person 2- then do something about it, 'be the change u wanna see in the world"
person 1- nah i'd rather bitch and moan
person 2- oh okay good luck with that

by PIONEER FOR LIFE June 26, 2006

58πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Academy of the Sacred Heart

A private school where a bunch of white rich girls go and obsess over boys and think they’re so hot. All they care about is parties and boys.

Those Academy of the Sacred Heart girls are insane

by Bitchybarb December 2, 2017

sacred heart greenwich

school in greenwich connecticut with the best sports teams

β€œoh yeah sacred heart greenwich girls are fire!” -kiko iona prep

by gordon ramsey’s daughter September 7, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sacred Heart School

An association of private schools in 44 countries around the world. They have amazingly open views and admissions criteria. The education and students are way cooler than the image of the schools. They provide the world with open-minded and valuable human beings with high intellectual values and social awareness who make the world a better place through valuing all people and points of view.

The first Sacred Heart School was formed in Amiens, France in 1816. The Sacred Heart School in Princeton NJ was founded in 1963.

by princetonz August 28, 2006

69πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Flintridge Sacred Heart

This school has extremely pretty girls, or ugly. It pretty much has 95 percent white, and 5 percent racial. Some of them are really kind, while 99 percent are extremely rude and mean. They are extremely stuck up and they believe they are the best. They are known as the hoes of the hills, or sluts of the slopes which is very true. there are some girls that are innocent and lovable, but they deserve more respect than what they are getting from the other girls

That girl goes to FSHA, flintridge sacred heart

by pepep1213 August 19, 2010

42πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž