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Sandbar Mouth

When you mouth is so dry, with just a tad of saliva covering you sandy dry tongue....resembling a sand bar with only a tad bit of water over it....most commonly encountered while high, a variation of cotton mouth.

Bud: Hey man this is some dank bud.

Cotton: Yeah but it's giving me the worst cotton mouth.

Sandy: Yeah you must have "Sandbar Mouth".....ya

know...when your mouth is so dry it resembles a sandbar?

by Eli Packet January 29, 2011

Turkish sandbar

The act of covering your entire penis with glue and then while it is still wet, rubbing sand all over it. When it is completely dry, give your partner surprise buttsex. This will leave your partner in unbearable pain.

Turkish man: "I gave my wife the good ol' Turkish sandbar while she was sleeping because she cheated on me

American: " here in America we have the boston sandtrap "

by Notarealcamel February 10, 2014

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Russian Sandbar

When you and your partner are having sex in the sand and you pull out too far and your dick hits the sand and you go back in

Me and the ol lady were messing around on the beach and I gave her a Russian sandbar

by Curled cheese curds September 20, 2016


Another name for a mans grundle. Area between ball bag and touchhole

Casey was teasing star in class one day, she wound up and kicked him in his sandbar.

by Bluesierra December 28, 2018