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hand sanitizer

A product that helps you discover new cuts you never knew you had.

I forgot that I had a cut on my pinky finger, so hand sanitizer made me remember it again.

by Jeremy X Universe December 13, 2015

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sanitation engineer

a garbage man

Daddy when I grow up to be a man I want to be a sanitation engineer so I can pick up garbage.

by hibbidiji March 22, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

hand sanitizer

Soap that kills 99%-99.99% (depending on how bold the marketers are) of germs without using water. You'll usually find hand sanitizer in classrooms, offices, and stores.

I didn't use Purell's hand sanitizer since it only killed 99.9% of germs. It seems much safer to use CVS' generic hand sanitizer since it kills 99.99% of germs.

by The Lamp of Enlightenment November 26, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hand Sanitizer

Liquid gold in todayโ€™s society.

Before the end times, you used to be able to buy hand sanitizer without taking out a loan.

by Not All Heroes Wear Drapes March 29, 2020

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sanitational engineer

A janitor, or another job relating to cleaning, such as a garbage man.

I work at the school as a sanitational engineer.

by Jasper Cameron August 21, 2005

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Sanitizer slap

When your hand is covered with hand sanitizer and you slap someone in the face while screaming "SANITIZER SLAP!".

1. That sanitizer slap stung my face.

2. I will sanitizer slap his arm-face!

by Laurita76 December 4, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

hand sanitizer

the best damn thing to sniff in order to fell high and lightheaded,just like a sharpy marker.

i like to freeze hand sanitizer then sniff it for good times,i also like to rub it in my face and in my asshole

by TiTyRon August 21, 2009

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