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Literal perfection. Heart of gold (golds not even apt). Stunningly beautiful. Has the most amazing personality. Is funny and cute and caring. Her only flaw is that she has a low self esteem. The closest value known to man that u could compare her with would be antimatter. Worth 63 trillion us dollars per gram

She's so amazing. Flawless. What a saoirse

by Sbeve meme April 4, 2019

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A Saoirse is one of the nicest most beautiful girls you will ever meet. She is popular with everyone from the cool kids to the nerds and jocks. A Saoirse usually has stunning thick blonde hair and light eyes. A Saoirse is also very athletic and all of the boys want to be with her!

Girl1: ughhh there goes Saoirse again with the hot boys
Girl2: ya I know she’s SO PRETTY!!

by Hidere February 20, 2019


Saoirse is a true friend, she is clever, smart, and funny. She really likes to have fun. She enjoys rule breaking, but doesn't go to far with it. She loves dogs, and all animals for that part. She is polite and kind, but at other times she can really kick butt. She has a strong heart, but does have her blonde moments.

Lily: "Hey, get over here."
Saoirse: "What makes you think that you can talk to me that way?"

by mimi0395 April 30, 2019


She’s absolutely stunning
Too good to be true

Saoirse is so perfect

by CΓ“F April 5, 2023


Quiet until you get to know her, funny, quite clever but they have their dumb moments, a good friend. Saoirses are overall loving people who will put others before themselves.

Friend: U r such a Saoirse

by Jeremy124 December 8, 2018

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A Saoirse is a very kind girl who is popular with pretty much everyone. She has long blonde hair and light eyes. A Saoirse always gets the hot boy and gets top of her class in most subjects. She has connections with the nerds and hotties but a Saoirse sometimes won’t be honest with her true opinion.

WOW! That girl is amazing!!! She must be a Saoirse.

by Hidere February 11, 2019

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Saoirse is a beautiful girl it is a very popular Irish name. A saoirse often has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Lottie is best friend with her because she is a saoirse

by Charlotteqxoxo October 20, 2018

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