Source Code

Scolding Sean Water

The recipe for Scolding Sean Water is lukewarm water mixed with Elmer's wet glue, crushed autism fish, and crayons. The purpose for this masterpiece was to clog the classroom sink, an achievement only pro-gamers can achieve. Unfortunately this didn't work out yet Scolding Sean Water remains a mystery to many.

"I drank Scolding Sean Water and I grew a second penis," said Ella.

by libfucksRus September 10, 2020

Hand Scolding

To hold a girl's hand of whom you like, but crush it until it starts bleeding, then proceed to slap your penis all over her face.

What happened to Camille last night?
She got FACKED up from Ryans hand scolding..

by ARP3450 October 18, 2011

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professional scold(s)

aself-entitled authoritarian / martinet who, due to social standing, educational attainment or professional status, tells anyone and everyone what's good for them, whether the targeted audience cares to listen or not.

Most Fox Television News commentators and their right-wing Republican acolytes are professional scold(s); always yapping away about the moral anarchy and cultural breakdown of the country, the schools, the community, the family, et al, ad nauseum. Is anyone listening to them anymore ?

by Virgin Suicides May 21, 2017

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scold your pants

phrase meaning to beat someone at a form of competition or to insult someone

-What's that score!? Yeah, 25 frags to 6! Scold your mother fuckin pants!
-Shut your mouth before i scold your pants you retard.

by MickeyChickey October 4, 2003

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mommy scold

Scolding somebody younger than yourself for a perceived indiscretion

I don’t want to mommy scold you, but you fucked up!!

by Catchris2 January 28, 2021

Secondhand Scolding

The uncomfortable sensation experienced when witnessing someone else being reprimanded or when hearing about a scolding secondhand, leading to feelings of anxiety or guilt as though the scolding were directed at you. This occurs due to the proximity of the reprimanding tone and the overall vibe, even though you are not the target.

Witnessing:"I was sitting in the office break room when the boss started yelling at Jake for missing a deadline. Even though it wasn't directed at me, I felt this intense secondhand scolding and my stomach knotted up."Reenacting:"My friend told me how her mom lectured her about not cleaning her room. She mimicked her mom's stern voice and harsh words, and I couldn't help but feel this wave of secondhand scolding wash over me."Proximity:"In class, the teacher was going off on a student for not doing their homework. Even though I always do mine, I could feel the secondhand scolding vibe and it made me anxious the rest of the day."

by Monarchis June 14, 2024


scarlett ciara olivia lily and daisy aka the best group of people ever

my gc is called scold cause that’s our names

by ur mums coochie hairs August 30, 2022