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Secaucus is a small shithole full of wanna be Jersey city residents. Everyone is so focused on their social status that they will be lying bitches no matter who it's to. Everyone is fake, everyone is a hoe. Dont trust anyone, you'll regret it. We also have small shitty parties full of underage drinkers who want to be cool. It's pretty much a wannabe ghetto who's too white to do so.

Secaucus is shit

by A Guy Who Makes Definitions June 11, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A small town where everyone’s fake and u can’t trust anyone. To much drama and not enough space. Everyone knows everyone and it’s unfair. Never come here it’s a waste of your time.

Rumors spread easily and people believe it. I hate this town. Secaucus can suck my toes.

by Ur gay asf May 29, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Secaucus New Jersey, formerly known as Sea Caucus, or Caucus by the Sea is a shore community composed of light houses and seagulls. Known for it's sprawling beaches and manatee population, Caucus by the Sea is "Shore to Please" anyone who loves the Jersey Shore. Just ask Bruce Springsteen.

I love going to the boardwalk in Secaucus.

by cakesaregoodtoeat March 15, 2009

9πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


a small swamp in northern new jersey completely lacking in stuff to do but full of banks and gas stations. secaucus is made up of mostly fat italian kids. the only thing there is to do here is play beerpong, smoke crappy weed in buchmiller, drive up and down paterson plank road, and if you're lucky score some blow.

perhaps secaucus's most interesting place to go is buchmiller park where you can usually find six or seven 21 year-old unemployed losers in bands hanging around getting drunk with their 17 year-old slutty girl friends.

the cops don't do much either. they pretty much just drive back and fourth between the towns three dunkin doughnuts's.

Jersey City Kid 1: You wanna go chill in Secaucus tonight?

Jersey City Kid 2: No.

by bleghhhhh September 11, 2006

102πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


The burbiest town in Hudson County, New Jersey. Until the 1950's it was most well-known for its pig farms. In the 70's and 80's it became well-known for the outlet shops and warehousing. Now it's mostly known as a place for NYC tourists to find cheap(er) accomodations and big-box shopping, as well as the outlets waaaay across town. No more pig farms, just a handful of residents who act like pigs. Many people in town are long-time residents and are good people with a Jersey "attitude", though in the past few years there are more immigrants seeping in. Despite that 2/3rds of the town's land (most of that being swamp) is owned by Hartz Mountain, Secaucus still has a real small-town feel, just drive down Paterson Plank Road and see. Marra Drugs is delightfuly old school, hope it stays around even though CVS moved in across the street. Natoli's Pizza is some good stuff. One of the country's first Blimpie's outside of Hoboken opened up here next to the old Acme/present CVS. Damn, do I miss that Acme.

I hate it when the news reporters say they are reporting from "suh-CAH-cus." It's SEE-caw-cuss, stupids! If you say it that way to someone from Secaucus you'd get your ass kicked straight into the Hackensack.

by someone18 September 11, 2006

69πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


a town where a bunch of punk ass sluts live. people smoke too much weed. the class of 2010 is whack. joey imprev is on steriods. and every class is a hoe like urtina. the parties are whack and drinking is our job. we dont like any other towns and think we are the shit. the best hang out is no where because all people do is drive around. never come to seacucus.

i hate secaucus

by the real talk hoe April 28, 2009

76πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


town that really sucks, very boring, but has a couple cool people...full of rejects like jqwan, who have no life, and stalk young girls...not a fun place at all... tons of druggies...we have a CVS now, and its taking away from Marra's business, which i dont like at all...i graduate in 09, but some of the most popular seniors are : britt, larissa,black nick,john larissas boyfriend,felix is kinda popular, so are tiff, and the 2 laurens are somehwat popular too..but anyway, its overall STUPIDD !!!! dont visit, if you get here, turn the other way !

"let's go to secaucus and get drugs"

by cutola October 30, 2006

39πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž