Source Code

Self-Defense Rush

One of Reigen's special moves where, he's unsure if it's really self-defense, he yells out "self-defense" just in case.

Ryo Shimazaki: I'll face you head on!
Reigen: Self-Defense Rush

by 723724764294801 October 28, 2021

preemptive self-defense

-preemptive means "to strike first"

-self-defense means "to olny stike once struck upon"

preemptive self-defense used by american spokesman in reference to "iraq war"

by Chris Younker December 6, 2003

14👍 13👎

Self-Defense While White

A hate crime in the United States, if the attacker is non-White.

John shot Tyrone while Tyrone was trying to break into John's house. John was charged with a hate crime because he was acting in self-defense while White.

by WomperWompWompy September 4, 2023

i drop kicked that child in self defense

the child stuck their tongue out so you drop kick that child in self defense

Technoblade: Officer I drop kicked that child in self defense

by i swear my name is andrew September 10, 2021

In self defense

The university of Guelph Ontario Canada using its artillery for humane society treatment of mongrels, and coyotes

In self defense lock and load Eminem insured one shot.

by Cody5050 January 29, 2022

Wisconsin self defense

Needless escalation of a tense situation followed by victim-playing on the part of the person who escalated the situation when their escalation turns against them.

I treated my cat's injury after he Wisconsin self defense'd a squirrel. He never learns

by Racoon Skittles November 22, 2021

Self defensed

Verb. The action of a white man killing a minority with no repercussions by claiming self defense. (Kyle Rittenhouse)

Person 1: I’m going to the BLM protest later today.
Person 2: I hope you don’t get self defensed.

by nefariousone November 23, 2021