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Mr. Beast

Chad: did you see that Mr. Beast gave food pantries 1 million dollars?

Kyle: woah bro that man is so selfless.

by daman186 August 10, 2020

selfless love

1)Loving someone regardless of your needs.

2)Loving others without loving yourself.

3)whatever you do,you do it with your heart
4)Loving without any attachments to an expectation in return.

"Wow Aron loves Mina even though she's bullied and has scars."
"Damn I wish someone gave me selfless love like that."

by Auxanna_ackerman April 9, 2017

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Selfless Act

An act devoted to others' welfare or interests and not one's own. A self sacrificing act, that benefits others... performed by a truly selfless person. At a time when people need it most!

Person 1 - "My friends are living their lives too dangerously. Booze, drugs... Someone needs to show them it's not a sustainable lifestyle"

Person 2 - "What we need is a selfless act... They just need to see that you can die from living that lifestyle. Looks like it is up to me!"

(Person 2 has a near death experience after jumping off a balcony. person 2 survives with some lasting injuries. But due to that selfless act. His friends see the error in their ways, and change their lifestyles)

by onemanoneact February 25, 2010

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selfless mind

A great website for writers and artists to display their work on the internet for free! Run by Omneo

I found this great poem on Selfless Mind

by SM December 8, 2004

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Selfless Act

When you do something that has no actions on yourself. Like if you jump off a building, no one cared so you're self-less.

When you are the only one that likes your definitions that is considered a 'selfish act'. I mean selfless act. My bad.

by Swago1200 January 16, 2019

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Not having an ego that is bloated like a bubble.

That selfless guy fell into a vat of acid at work like the joker did in Batman they say. What if somebody thought he was trying to take the one company joker slot available, and put him in the acid vat before he could send their circus packing? Anything is possible. What kind of a maniac would want a guy like that dead though?

by The Original Agahnim September 2, 2021


Not having a bloated ego.

That selfless guy fell into a vat of acid at work, kind of like the joker did in Batman. What kind of maniac wanted him dead?

by The Original Agahnim September 2, 2021